Wednesday, May 27, 2015


Matthew 6:19 - Do not lay up for yourselves treasure on earth where a moth or rust consume it and thieves break in and steal it.

This seems a continuation of my thoughts of yesterday - fasting from consumption. When we take our focus, our treasure, from God we become fearful of what can happen. The truth as expressed here is there is no security in this world. Even for those who think their money can protect them from disaster. Our lives and our possessions are very fragile and not meant to last forever. We would do well to keep this in mind and hold on to them accordingly. As the saying goes, we cannot take it with us.

In fact, everything is here only on loan. Capitalism would disagree. Yet, we are not immortal. What does it mean to own something that is not permanent and while we are not permanent. It is only a temporary rental. We cannot say that we will have our possessions tomorrow.

By not laying up possessions here we leave more for others. In fact, God gives enough for all. Again, it is we who prevent others from having enough. Our greed, pride, gluttony, laziness, indulgence, and entitlement separate us from loving others in tangible ways - like leaving enough for them! Loving our neighbors by keeping our possessions to a minimum.

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