Tuesday, May 26, 2015


Matthew 6:16-18 When you fast, do not become like the hypocrites who destroy their face so they are seen to be fasting. Truly I tell you they have received their reward. But when you are fasting, anoint your head and wash your face so that you do not appear fasting to men but rather by your father in secret. And your father, seeing in secret, will reward you.

First thing that strikes me is that fasting was a normal thing to do. Possibly a required thing to do? He say when not if. It also strikes me that I rarely fast. I probably go to the opposite extreme somewhat by eating when I do not need to. Either way, this is a reminder to not consume more than my fair share.

The second thing is the focus on not being pious so that others see us but rather being pious for the sake of our father in heaven. Or for the good of others. In secret, so that our names and our actions are not trumpeted abroad. THis is so antithetical to our current atmosphere of self-promotion.

I think also that fasting is not just about food. How often do I buy things I do not need? Currently, not very often, if only because we do not have a lot of money. So, I want to think today about fasting in regards to consuming for the sake of entertainment or just for consumption's sake. Or worse, to show off to others, which Jesus commands his followers not to do in this sermon.

Fasting in secret from consumption and from boredom or for the accolades of others. Fasting from the accolades of others. Perhaps that is the true fast for us today?

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