Monday, May 18, 2015

Gimme, gimme, gimme

Matthew 6:11 - Give us today our daily bread.

So much packed into one little sentence! First, it doesn't say give me the job I want, the car I want, the vacation I want. It says give me what I need. Only what I need. I like this idea of living simply. Taking care of needs and not worrying about wants. It's difficult to do of course and we much always be working on it. But living simply leaves more for others to live simply too - rather than starving while some have more money than they could possibly need in one lifetime.

Second, it is in the imperative! Gimme. I like this and it also seems demanding. Well, it is demanding. I'm not sure what the imperative signifies. Is it really a question? Or is it a demand? There is an implied assurance that it is okay to demand this from God. I like to think that we can expect enough to live on from God. And he does give enough! Only it is we who abuse God's gifts by hoarding, by taking more than our fair share. And we are back to living simply.

Third, it focuses on our need today - not tomorrow. This is a good reminder that our minds need to stay in today. Where are our feet? That is where our mind needs to be. If we are at work, we need to focus on our work. If we are with others, we need to focus on them, giving them our full attention. If we are at home, we need to interact with our family. If we are in prayer, we need to focus on God and her loving presence. I have a hard time with this - my mind loves to daydream.

Finally, it acknowledges that our lives and everything we need to survive are gifts from God. Even though we are allowed to demand them, we are to remember our dependence and our gratitude. Joyfully using the gifts of this day for the work of God's kin-dom, for the creation of the Beloved Community.

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