Monday, May 11, 2015


Matthew 6:5-6 - Do not be like the hypocrites who love to be seen praying in the synagogues and on the street corners. But when you pray, go into your inner room and closing the door pray to your father in secret. And your father, the one seeing in secret will pay you.

I love this. I have always felt awkward with public prayer. I feel so much more connected to God when I am with her in secret. By myself. To say whatever I want with no one around. Holy moments when I am thinking through my life, praising God, giving thanks and just listening. Just being.

And there is a lot to be prayed for today. Resentment, anger, losing my phone, paying for a new one, possible bed bug infestation and how are we going to pay for all this? But just for today, all is well. No one is dying. Well, at least not in the house. Amy has gone on to hospice and that is sad for all of us. But giving all that to God helps me to decide what I need to do. The next right thing.

Remembering that God is with me and all of us through these things - especially when I cannot feel her presence. So. Time to pray.

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