Saturday, May 30, 2015


Matthew 6:22-23 - They eye is the lamp of the body, so if your eye is sound, healthy your entire body will be filled with light. But if your eye is evil, unhealthy your entire body will be filled with darkness. And what great darkness it will be!

I am unsure what this means. If it means that your eyes show what your heart is thinking, then it means something like the eyes are the window to the soul.

But I think it means the opposite. When your eye looks on healthy things (treasures in heaven!), then your body follows and you will use your body in healthy ways. Not to satisfy your own needs only but to look to the needs of others. If your eyes look on earthly things (shiny!), then your mind and body will be used to acquire the things that do not last and lead to spiritual and emotional darkness.

And spiritual darkness is the greatest darkness there is. Those in spiritual darkness will create chaos wherever they go. The world will be worse for having them here and those around them will suffer. We are constantly living in some spiritual darkness because we are not perfect. Yet some strive for order, love, community. Those are the heavenly gifts, the heavenly treasures that those in spiritual darkness cannot see because their eyes are filled with earthly things - accolades, fame, fortune - things that do not last and do not build order, love or community.

We each are filled with both light and darkness. The one we feed (look at, focus on) is the one that grows in our bodies. The other starves. My prayer today is that I might focus on God's way and let those unproductive attitudes starve.

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