Sunday, May 17, 2015

God's will

Matthew 6:10 - Your will be done, as in heaven also on earth.

So, question. "as in heaven so also on earth:" does that belong just to God's will or does it go with the sanctity of God's name and the coming of God's kin(g)dom as well? If everyone did God's will, wouldn't it be heaven? And if everyone sanctified God's name, wouldn't it be heaven? For some reason this captivates me.

As in heaven so also on earth. The kingdom of heaven is near. Here, on earth.

How would my life change if I truly lived like I believed that? I would feel less need to protect myself, to defend my person. I would be more loving to all. I would still be an introvert though. I would be open to Mike and Frank and all those who I've put on the "don't bug me" list. I need to get rid of that list.

And in thinking about this for a few minutes - I recognize that there is no need now to defend myself, nothing to protect myself from. It is me, my thinking that is holding me back. Not others.

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