Monday, May 25, 2015


Matthew 6:14-15 - If you forgive others their debts your father in heaven will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others, your father will not forgive you your debts.

This is the summation of the Lord's Prayer! Forgiveness. This strongly implies that staying in relationship is also important so far as it is possible or advisable. Any relationship requires a lot of forgiveness of ourselves and others. The better we are at it, the more we will love others and ourselves. The root of being neighborly is forgiveness.

I am also reminded that we cannot feel forgiveness until we ourselves can forgive ourselves and others. Others may have forgiven us but as long as we hang on to our guilt and/or shame, we will not be able to take it in. Receiving the forgiveness of others requires that we also forgive ourselves.

I will make today a day of forgiveness.

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