Tuesday, June 30, 2015


Matthew 7:24-5 - And everyone who hears these words of mine and does them is like a wise man, who built his house upon a rock. And the rain fell and the wind blew and beat upon that house but it did not fall because it had been built (founded) upon a rock.

Two things:
1 - Foundation
2 - Living rock

The question then becomes what words is he talking about? All the previous words: the beatitudes, do not judge, good fruit, ask, seek, knock, do unto others. Those are the foundation of our actions. The center. They tell us to not just think about ourselves - our needs, how right we are - but to also think about our neighbor - help them when we can, do not act in ways that would harm them.

So, what is my foundation? Where are my roots? What feeds me? What keeps me going?

Another thing about foundations -we generally do not see them working; but they are there and they are necessary. If we flaunt our foundations, we crack them! Doing Christ's words needs to be automatic, something that becomes a part of us but not so public that they hide who we are or the cause of the poor or oppressed.

Living rock petra as opposed to regular rock (petros). Living rock is rock that can be built upon. Regular rock is mountain rock that we can carve graves and caves out of. The living rock and the living water. Names for Christ. Christ is our foundational rock. If that is true, then we must follow his teachings. They must be our foundation as they were/are his.


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