Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Foolish Foundation

Matthew 7:26-7 - But the one who listens to my words and does not do them is like a foolish man, who built his house on sand. Then the rains fell, the floods came, the wind blew and beat against that house and it fell and great was its fall.

So foundation is important. Love of God is our foundation. At least the foundation on living rock.

"Great was its fall." This intrigues me. Does it mean that losing the house was a great calamity - which it surely was? Does it mean the house was large and therefore its fall is large? Our houses are generally our biggest investment. They cost more than other things we own. The same was true then. The impact would have been tremendous to the owner. The time and money poured into building the house would have been enormous. Even if it was a small house.

Or, does it mean its fall was complete? There was not salvaging any of it? This seems likely. It at least has possibilities. So, the foundation of our plans is the key to their execution. If the premise is wrong, the argument falls flat. If our thinking is faulty, our actions will be faulty as well. If our hearts are not on God, are not centered on God, our actions will not be fruitful - well, they will not produce good fruit. Loving actions add love to the world, hateful actions add hate.

What is our/my foundation?

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