Wednesday, July 15, 2015


Matthew 8:17 - This was so that the words of Isaiah the prophet might be fulfilled, "He took our weaknesses and bore our diseases."

So weaknesses can be sickness as well. In the context of healing that translation makes more sense. I myself am intrigued by this as I have lupus. Have I ever thought to hand it over? Have I ever thought that Jesus/Christ might take it on somehow? Have I ever thought that because God came down as a person, he understands. His empathy has been strengthened through experiencing our weakness and disease. Understanding seems a big one to me lately.

All of this is good, yet I want to look at it in the sense of weakness rather than illness. Paul claims that when we are weak (which in relation to God is always) he/they are strong. God is always strong. God's hands are always outstretched toward us - ready to receive us and to be in relationship with us. None of us can be perfect, yet God gives us grace anyway. Grace to get through one more day. Grace to let go of all that does not build up. Grace to expose our weak spots. Trusting that they will not be trampled on. Trusting that if they are trampled on, it will not be the end of the world.

No longer needing things to be just so, but being able to adapt more smoothly. Where do I need to admit weakness and let God act?

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