Thursday, July 30, 2015


Matthew 9:9 - And moving along from that place he saw a man sitting at the tax office whose name was Matthew. He said to him, "Follow me." And he got up and followed him.

Just like that. He got up and followed him. How often do I count the financial, mental and physical cost before I get up and follow? I think we could all do better in this area.

Yet, I want to point out something different here. Matthew was a tax collector. A collaborator with the occupying Roman government. A traitor. And Jesus says, "Follow me." He does not tell him he needs to get right with God. He doesn't argue with him about his position. He doesn't ignore him or marginalize him. This enemy withing merely gets a command. Follow me. And he does. Without thinking about the financial cost. He is rich because of his position. He may have even cheated people and kept the difference.

The Bible (Old and New Testaments) is full of people like Matthew: David killed a man in order that his adultery was not found out, Moses killed a man, Abraham put his wife's physical safety at risk for his own gain, Jacob cheats his uncle in retaliation for having been cheated, Judah refuses to do his duty by Tamar. The list is pretty long. Yet, God used all these people anyway. He gave them his grace and favor anyway. We don't deserve God's attention any more than they did, but he gives it to us anyway.

Follow me. We do not have to be perfect to follow him. We just have to follow. God takes us where and how we are. Thanks be to God!

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