Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Bringing our Brokenness to him

Matthew 8:15 - In the evening, they brought to him many who had demons; he cast the spirits out with a word and healed all those who were sick.

As I thought about this, I realize (again) that Jesus did not heal everyone. They had to reveal their brokenness to him for healing. This goes exactly against what we are taught to do - at least I was taught to do - which is to hide our imperfections and put our best foot forward. Yes, that is appropriate in many ways and places. Yet it is not appropriate in our relationship with Jesus.

Jesus wants to heal us and for that to happen we must acknowledge that we need healing. This is so difficult for many of us. It is difficult for me. I want to imagine that I have it all together! The pastor on Sunday spoke about the unfortunate man who tried to stabilize the ark and was killed for trying to control the outcome, trying to control God. They were not carrying it correctly in the first place and his touching it got him killed. In much the same way I want to control how others see me.

I want to control my call; where I'll go, what I'll do, when I'll do it. It is so hard to let this all be right now and take the next right step - which is getting another CPE unit under my belt. There is so much in the air and I have been learning to be comfortable with having things in the air. And yet, I have way too many moments of trying to control things over which I have no power to control. This is my major brokenness.

So, just for today, I choose to go with God's flow and pace for my life and my calling. God is with me. All is well.

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