Saturday, July 11, 2015


Matthew 8:14-15 - Then Jesus went to the home of Peter and saw that his mother-in-law was laid down and was feverish. He stretched out his hand and the fever left her and she got up and served him.

Not them - him. So did she serve him a meal? Or was there another way to serve him? If a meal, why just him and not them. Clearly he didn't go by himself to Peter's house. There was probably a crowd along with him. And where was Peter's wife?

Was she living with her parents while Peter roamed the countryside? Was she perhaps dead? Why go to the mother-in-law's house (possibly husband dead?) rather than his parent's home. Did they not have one? Were they estranged because he and his brother took off and left their father to work alone? So many questions packed into this one short scene.

At any rate, Jesus heals her and in her gratitude she serves him. Perhaps we should follow that example as best we can. Looking for ways to serve - a meal, washing, hospitality, generosity, speaking up for the least of these. Maybe she not only served a meal, but followed that up with other types of support.

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