Friday, July 3, 2015


Matthew 8:1-3 - When he came down from the mountain, a great crowd followed him. Look! a leper came and knelt before him saying, "Lord, if you wish, you can make be clean." And having stretched forth his hand, he touched him saying, "I do wish. Be made clean." And immediately, his leprosy was cleansed.

Healing and God's wish. God wishes to heal us. But so often we forget to ask. If we wish, we can be made clean. The thing I'd like to keep in my mind both today and during the next week is that God wishes to heal both Peter and me. This week will give us time away from our respective challenges and give us space to enjoy each others company.

I wrote Eric a letter yesterday telling him to take my name off the team. I forwarded my original letter just in case he had not yet seen it. I explained that I was no longer going to be a regular worshiper at RPPC. I acknowledged the crappy timing. And requested that if he wanted to discuss it, I would be available after the 13th. So, I do not have that on my mind. At least much. I bring this up because I see healing in this. I see myself taking care of myself. I see myself acknowledging a painful reality. And I see myself not giving in to the voice inside my head that tells me I am being selfish or childish. I need healing when I go to worship - not a lecture no how things are going to be different. I need to hear how God cares and heals and how she is helping our church. But for the last six months all we've gotten has been warnings and lectures about the change. And each time, I feel a little worse.

I do not intend to tell Eric this, but I want to reinforce it for myself. God wants us all to heal and right now I can see that my healing needs to be done elsewhere.

I see God working to heal Peter as well. The situation at work looks grim, but it is a golden opportunity for them to really look at their policies and structures. I hope they are able to do so.

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