Thursday, June 4, 2015


Matthew 6:26 - Look at the birds of the heaven. They neither sow n or reap; neither do they gather in barns. And yet your father in heaven feeds them. Are you not worth more than they? Are you not more different than they?

More different is and interesting way to say worth more. But yeah, different in a greater way. Of more worth or value. I would argue that no, we are not worth more than the sparrows. In fact, one thing we are recognizing in this century (again?) is that we are all connected and without all that is here, everything changes. Without sparrows, we are less than human. We are one part in the cog of our ecologies, our environments. Yet we are able to do a lot of damage to those environments and ourselves as well.

Of course, the point was that God loves us and values us just as the sparrow. We are treasured and cared for. There is enough for today. Worry will not help us realize our true value. It is when we realize our true value that we are able to let go of worry - and maybe even some possessions. Things that no longer really serve us well. Things we cling to out of apathy or the desire to hoard. These things are not indicators of our true value or worth, no matter what the world tells us. We have worth because we exist and because God loves us.

Since I am going out on the bus tonight, I will need to remember that!

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