Thursday, June 18, 2015

Logs and specks

Matthew 7:3-5 - Why do you see the speck in your brother's eye and not notice/contemplate the log in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, "Let me remove the speck from your eye", and indeed the log is in your own eye? Hypocrite, first remove the log from your own eye and then you will be able to see clearly the speck in your brother's eye.

Continuing on from judging - look at your own faults first. Seek to remove them. Not just look but contemplate, intensely scrutinize your faults, your logs. Those things that block our vision, that keep us from seeing how our actions affect others. Or those justifications that keep us comfortable. The fears that keep us separated from those we love or those we could help. That keep us from seeing others as human beings, that tell us that the Other is evil, bad, wicked, a terrorist.

What is your log? What are my favorite logs? How do I justify not continually working for others? How do I justify the time spent relaxing? How do I justify looking away when others are hurting? How can I keep myself open and loving? What do I get out of not looking at my junk?

And having found the answers the question becomes - how can i clear these things out so that my vision might be clear. That I might notice those hurting around me and be willing to help. That I might understand that everyone is hurting in some way. Everyone is doing the best they (we) can. Even my own mistakes were the result of doing the best I could at the time. Now my vision is clearer and I can see other choices I had that I could not see then.

First, I ask God's help not only to see where I have gone astray but also how can I do better today. Without God, I am liable to justify and excuse the hurtful things I have done. Understanding that God loves me helps me to really look, to scrutinize and contemplate. And begin to love myself even though I am not perfect.

This will take a lifetime! So, there will rarely be a time when we can see our own faults well enough to help others with theirs. Unless we are asked and we are merciful and understanding. Without love, none of this is possible. Recognizing God's love for us, loving ourselves and loving others in return.

Somehow, it always comes down to love.

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