Monday, June 15, 2015

Seeking and assurance

Matthew 6:33-34 - Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these will be given to you. So do not be anxious about tomorrow for tomorrow worries for itself. Today has trouble enough.

Seek, search for, feel the need of. First thing in the morning, in the decision making process. God's righteousness or justice. Not purity! Righteousness and justice! God want us to be in communion with her, wants us to seek her out, feel how much we need her. I don't know about you but I have a difficult time functioning without morning prayer and meditation. I had several migraines last week. In some ways it was a vacation. I laid around and did nothing, trying to recover. In others, it was frustrating! I felt useless. Seeking God meant taking care of myself so that I in turn could take care of others.

Justice and righteousness. The justice that I pursue is the poor being taken care of, the laws being just and being administered justly, those on the margins being brought into the midst of the circle. Forgiveness for those who have hurt me - not to let them off the hook, but to give myself space and energy. Justice is hard. It means more than just locking people up. True justice requires that we look at the systemic evils and how they operate, searching for ways to dismantle them, make them more fair for all - not just the rich.

Seeking God and God's righteousness means staying in the moment. Staying in today and what we can do today to address the troubles. Staying in today means looking around us and asking how we can help others. What can we do in our homes, our communities, in our countries that can address the issues we see and those things that are not right. It means speaking up when we see others treated wrongly. Staying in today is hard, too. It means not sleepwalking through life. When i have migraines, I sleepwalk through life because I have little choice. Today I choose to stay in the moment - addressing today's issues rather than those that might crop up tomorrow.

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