Monday, June 29, 2015


Matthew 7:21-23: Not everyone who says to me "Lord, Lord,' will enter the kin-dom of heaven. Only those doing the will of my father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, "Didn't we prophecy in your name, didn't we cast out many demons in your name, and were we able to do many things in your name?" And I will declare to them, "I never knew you. Depart from me you workers of lawlessness."

So, I've been thinking more about my response to Rev. Moore. I've been thinking of racism as a white problem. We are the only ones able to fix it. So how can I make my voice heard? How I can I say with love that not only is now the time, but we are the people to begin to solve this problem.

I spoke with Peter yesterday and we talked about holding a weekly prayer service, specifically a service of lamentation. Weekly and after shootings in the neighborhood or other atrocities committed against black people by white people. A witness that begins with lamentation - lamenting with our brothers and sisters. Mourning with those who mourn and weeping with those who weep. Peter then told me about Nora's prayer walk and I am wondering whether we can do something like that weekly. Not just in this neighborhood though. I would like it to include the parts of the neighborhood south of Howard.

We also thought about including James.

But it must begin with lamentation. Lamenting our own part in the system. That feels like a good place to start.

Lamentation. Lord, forgive us. We do not know what we do.

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