Wednesday, June 17, 2015


Matthew 7:2 - For the judgment by which you judge, you will be judged; and the measure by which you measure it will be measured to you.

I really like this not for the tit for tat idea but it explains  so much. When we are merciful, we add mercy to the world. When we are peaceful toward others, we add peace to the world. When we are joyful, we add joy to the world. When we are grateful, we add gratitude to the world. When we give and receive grace, we add grace to the world. When we are trustworthy, we make the world a more trustworthy place. When we are loving, we add love to the world.

The converse is also true. When we are judgmental, we add negativity to the world. When we are harsh, we add harshness to the world. When we are grouchy or, we add anger to the world. When we lash out in anger to the world. When we take our blessings for granted, we add to the entitlement in the world. When we lie and deceive, we add make the world a little more untrustworthy. When we are hateful, we add to the hate in the world.

The prayer of St. Francis addresses this beautifully. Let me be a channel of your peace, love, forgiveness, faith, hope, light and joy. It's a good place to start working for peace; in our own hearts.

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