Tuesday, June 30, 2015


Matthew 7:24-5 - And everyone who hears these words of mine and does them is like a wise man, who built his house upon a rock. And the rain fell and the wind blew and beat upon that house but it did not fall because it had been built (founded) upon a rock.

Two things:
1 - Foundation
2 - Living rock

The question then becomes what words is he talking about? All the previous words: the beatitudes, do not judge, good fruit, ask, seek, knock, do unto others. Those are the foundation of our actions. The center. They tell us to not just think about ourselves - our needs, how right we are - but to also think about our neighbor - help them when we can, do not act in ways that would harm them.

So, what is my foundation? Where are my roots? What feeds me? What keeps me going?

Another thing about foundations -we generally do not see them working; but they are there and they are necessary. If we flaunt our foundations, we crack them! Doing Christ's words needs to be automatic, something that becomes a part of us but not so public that they hide who we are or the cause of the poor or oppressed.

Living rock petra as opposed to regular rock (petros). Living rock is rock that can be built upon. Regular rock is mountain rock that we can carve graves and caves out of. The living rock and the living water. Names for Christ. Christ is our foundational rock. If that is true, then we must follow his teachings. They must be our foundation as they were/are his.


Monday, June 29, 2015


Matthew 7:21-23: Not everyone who says to me "Lord, Lord,' will enter the kin-dom of heaven. Only those doing the will of my father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, "Didn't we prophecy in your name, didn't we cast out many demons in your name, and were we able to do many things in your name?" And I will declare to them, "I never knew you. Depart from me you workers of lawlessness."

So, I've been thinking more about my response to Rev. Moore. I've been thinking of racism as a white problem. We are the only ones able to fix it. So how can I make my voice heard? How I can I say with love that not only is now the time, but we are the people to begin to solve this problem.

I spoke with Peter yesterday and we talked about holding a weekly prayer service, specifically a service of lamentation. Weekly and after shootings in the neighborhood or other atrocities committed against black people by white people. A witness that begins with lamentation - lamenting with our brothers and sisters. Mourning with those who mourn and weeping with those who weep. Peter then told me about Nora's prayer walk and I am wondering whether we can do something like that weekly. Not just in this neighborhood though. I would like it to include the parts of the neighborhood south of Howard.

We also thought about including James.

But it must begin with lamentation. Lamenting our own part in the system. That feels like a good place to start.

Lamentation. Lord, forgive us. We do not know what we do.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Manipulation and paternalism

This is a break because I need to write about what has been happening with my church and with me. We are reorganizing because we have no money to pay any staff. It will be run on an all-volunteer basis. This is a great idea.

My pain comes from the paternalistic and manipulative way that Eric is leading this change. From the heavy-handed repetition of "full participation" to the assigning of teams. It doesn't help that his preaching is a lecture that is yelled at us. I see no joy or resurrection in all of this. I see Eric's agenda and his single-mindedness is carrying it out.

I spoke up. I wrote a letter replying to their letter. So far, I have had no response. I'm not sure they received it and I do not feel like I need to do their work for them of making sure they got it. Yet, until I get a response, I cannot in good conscience or good mental/spiritual health continue to attend. So I am churchless and a little forlorn. Peter doesn't like it either. He is more patient that I am. Or maybe I have just had enough of people manipulating me. I don't need that. It feels ugly and wrong.

I would like to go to Edgewater. Yet I am anxious about the questions: where's Peter? I do not belong at RPPC and am not sure where else to go. Thank God, for now, I am okay. I will continue to give myself space to heal and feel less bruised before I try to go again.

In the meantime, I have been thinking about lamentation. So much has happened in the last two weeks. Shooting at Mother Emanuel church, a reverend setting himself on fire to highlight the pervasiveness of racism, Obamacare stays the law, LGBT people have the right to marry everywhere. Of course, those last two do not require lamentation! I have been thinking about public prayer. How can Peter and I respond - or even just I - to these shootings and other abuses? How can I - beyond sharing on FB - act on Reverend Moore's sacrifice? And I have been thinking about the possibility of prayer in Rogers Park - the north of Howard section. Possibly in front of the Jonquil. Just go there once a week and pray, lament, confess, and worship. Quietly. I suspect people will join us.

In the meantime, I need to ensure that I am healthy and not avoiding this feeling of loss and hurt. I need to acknowledge it and feel it. Then I can begin to let it go. I can begin to make it better.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015


Matthew 7:9-11 - Or which man among you if your child asked for bread, give him a stone? Or if he asked for a fish, would give him a snake? And if you, who are evil, know to give good gifts to your children, how much more does your father, the one who is in heaven, know to give good things to you?

Two things pop out: trust and gifts.

Trust that God knows what we need and gives them. Trust that God can lead us. God will sustain our physical body but also our spirit, if we let her. This kind of radical trust is hard. But the serenity that comes from focusing on what we can do - instead of what we lack - is worth the effort to continually give our worries to God. Answers come if we listen for them.

The piece that intrigues me this morning - especially in light of events at RPPC - is gifts, good things. Not just food or water or shelter. But all gifts. What are my gifts? How am I willing to use them? In seminary and CPE I became much more willing to look at my gifts and see where God may be leading. Today, I need to continue that process. Everyday actually!

So, today, I have the gifts of compassion, administration, organization, writing, joy, love, self-care, empathy, being present with others, knowing, preaching, liturgy, prophecy - in the sense of speaking for God, curiosity, intuition. I also have the "gift" of procrastination and lack of self-esteem. These make it more difficult for me to exercise my gifts. Of course, so does having lupus. In fact, that is a much bigger obstacle than I had thought it would be. Yet, each day I am working to see where I need to be today. What I need to do today - not just for me but for my marriage and my husband.

My prayer is: God, help me to trust that you will lead me to use my gifts for your glory and to increase the love, joy, peace, understanding and empathy in the world.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Ask, Seek, Knock

Matthew 7:7-8 - Ask and you will be answered, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks will be answered, and everyone who seeks finds, and for everyone who knocks, it will be opened.

I only have questions. What are we asking for? What are we seeking/striving after? Where are we knocking? I suspect there is a specific thing. First thought is looking back to where our treasure is, perhaps we are knocking on heaven's door? Seeking God? Asking for what?

Things to think about today.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Holy things

Matthew 7:6 - Do not give holy things to dogs nor throw your pearls in front of pigs lest they trample them under their feet (treat them with disdain) and turn and attack you.

So, questions. What are the holy things, the pearls? And what do the dogs and swine represent here?

I think when I was growing up I knew instinctively not to share myself too much with my family. They would only have ammunition if I did. The things I cherished and cared about. Even now, I know that my family and I do not always see eye to eye. Sometimes they react badly; sometimes I react badly. Even with Peter. I forget how much he values helping others in necessary ways. I shared with him last night about the monks using the proceeds of their begging to buy neighborhood kids ice cream. Which I thought was sweet and Peter immediately criticized for not using the money for necessities. I think Peter sometimes doesn't realize how others like having fun, because he is very serious.

Of course, that is a minor example. But it illustrates how much we can all be swine and dogs to each other when we are not careful. Or even on purpose.

I was thinking during mediation this morning about the song La Bamba. In particular, the line - to dance the La Bamba one needs a little grace. A little grace for you; a little grace for me. We all need grace. Because we can all act like dogs and swine about some things. Not truly understanding the value of some things. Even if the value is subjective. So I can give Peter grace because he gives me grace.

The much bigger lesson here is the idea that we need to be aware of others. We need to have good judgment regarding them. We need to pay attention so that we do not set ourselves up to be hurt unintentionally. We need to recognize who is safe for us, what they are safe for and who is not. Wise as serpents, gentle as doves. Wisdom consists in seeing others as they are and acting accordingly. Therefore, one does not tell their most intimate stories to someone who is likely to tear it down.

This also means we can learn how to communicate with others. We can take the measure of others and know what is likely to set them off and what is safe to say. There is no reason to tell all our secrets to everyone we meet. I think this does not just protect us but it also protects others. We do not talk about holy things with atheists - not because they are dogs or swine - but because they may be annoyed and/or treat them with disdain.

We need to be cognizant of who we are talking with and take their feelings into account in our conversations.

Wise as serpents, gentle as doves.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Logs and specks

Matthew 7:3-5 - Why do you see the speck in your brother's eye and not notice/contemplate the log in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, "Let me remove the speck from your eye", and indeed the log is in your own eye? Hypocrite, first remove the log from your own eye and then you will be able to see clearly the speck in your brother's eye.

Continuing on from judging - look at your own faults first. Seek to remove them. Not just look but contemplate, intensely scrutinize your faults, your logs. Those things that block our vision, that keep us from seeing how our actions affect others. Or those justifications that keep us comfortable. The fears that keep us separated from those we love or those we could help. That keep us from seeing others as human beings, that tell us that the Other is evil, bad, wicked, a terrorist.

What is your log? What are my favorite logs? How do I justify not continually working for others? How do I justify the time spent relaxing? How do I justify looking away when others are hurting? How can I keep myself open and loving? What do I get out of not looking at my junk?

And having found the answers the question becomes - how can i clear these things out so that my vision might be clear. That I might notice those hurting around me and be willing to help. That I might understand that everyone is hurting in some way. Everyone is doing the best they (we) can. Even my own mistakes were the result of doing the best I could at the time. Now my vision is clearer and I can see other choices I had that I could not see then.

First, I ask God's help not only to see where I have gone astray but also how can I do better today. Without God, I am liable to justify and excuse the hurtful things I have done. Understanding that God loves me helps me to really look, to scrutinize and contemplate. And begin to love myself even though I am not perfect.

This will take a lifetime! So, there will rarely be a time when we can see our own faults well enough to help others with theirs. Unless we are asked and we are merciful and understanding. Without love, none of this is possible. Recognizing God's love for us, loving ourselves and loving others in return.

Somehow, it always comes down to love.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015


Matthew 7:2 - For the judgment by which you judge, you will be judged; and the measure by which you measure it will be measured to you.

I really like this not for the tit for tat idea but it explains  so much. When we are merciful, we add mercy to the world. When we are peaceful toward others, we add peace to the world. When we are joyful, we add joy to the world. When we are grateful, we add gratitude to the world. When we give and receive grace, we add grace to the world. When we are trustworthy, we make the world a more trustworthy place. When we are loving, we add love to the world.

The converse is also true. When we are judgmental, we add negativity to the world. When we are harsh, we add harshness to the world. When we are grouchy or, we add anger to the world. When we lash out in anger to the world. When we take our blessings for granted, we add to the entitlement in the world. When we lie and deceive, we add make the world a little more untrustworthy. When we are hateful, we add to the hate in the world.

The prayer of St. Francis addresses this beautifully. Let me be a channel of your peace, love, forgiveness, faith, hope, light and joy. It's a good place to start working for peace; in our own hearts.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Stop judging

Matthew 7:1 - Stop judging, so that you may/will not be judged.

This is judgment in a negative sense of course. Yet it is not merely finding fault with others! It is more along the lines of bringing someone into court, accusing them of something, judging them harshly and possibly unfairly.

The second part is more taken to court. Stop judging others or they might just find enough fault with you to take you before a judge.

This could be spoken to Americans today. Especially those in the news media and the talking heads. They make their living judging others harshly in public, pretending that their own lives are pure and without fault. Yet we all know that is not the case and they inevitably are caught - and then caught in the publicity web of their own making.

For me personally, this tells me that while my judgment may be correct, I would do better to focus on my own faults. The following verses bear this out. However, there are times when I need to judge negatively for my own or someone else's protection. For example, someone who is cruel to me will not continue to enjoy the pleasure of my company. Someone who is cruel to others will hear about it. This requires not just judgment but action. Avoiding or confronting.

And this brings me to Eric and Debbie and RPPC. Ugh. We received an email yesterday about the upcoming weeks. It all feels very controlled and stifling. The session will be assigning people to committees rather than letting people choose. That seems very wrong. Along with Eric's tone while preaching, it is starting to rub me even more the wrong way than it had before. Of course they are afraid that no one will step up and the church will close. Which is a valid fear. Yet, I do not see trust in God in any of this. Not in Eric's preaching (which is mostly lecturing and yelling) and not in the plan for getting people to volunteer.

It feels very much as though it is being forced down my throat. And that feels icky and abusive. I am not sure exactly what my response to it will be. I suggested to Peter that I may speak up. I still might. But I will talk it over with Joellen and Maria first. They are full of wisdom. I do not wish to just disappear. Yet I want to respond lovingly and with dignity and grace for all. So how to do this without judging negatively? Share my experience. How am I experiencing this process? Let them respond how they will.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Seeking and assurance

Matthew 6:33-34 - Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these will be given to you. So do not be anxious about tomorrow for tomorrow worries for itself. Today has trouble enough.

Seek, search for, feel the need of. First thing in the morning, in the decision making process. God's righteousness or justice. Not purity! Righteousness and justice! God want us to be in communion with her, wants us to seek her out, feel how much we need her. I don't know about you but I have a difficult time functioning without morning prayer and meditation. I had several migraines last week. In some ways it was a vacation. I laid around and did nothing, trying to recover. In others, it was frustrating! I felt useless. Seeking God meant taking care of myself so that I in turn could take care of others.

Justice and righteousness. The justice that I pursue is the poor being taken care of, the laws being just and being administered justly, those on the margins being brought into the midst of the circle. Forgiveness for those who have hurt me - not to let them off the hook, but to give myself space and energy. Justice is hard. It means more than just locking people up. True justice requires that we look at the systemic evils and how they operate, searching for ways to dismantle them, make them more fair for all - not just the rich.

Seeking God and God's righteousness means staying in the moment. Staying in today and what we can do today to address the troubles. Staying in today means looking around us and asking how we can help others. What can we do in our homes, our communities, in our countries that can address the issues we see and those things that are not right. It means speaking up when we see others treated wrongly. Staying in today is hard, too. It means not sleepwalking through life. When i have migraines, I sleepwalk through life because I have little choice. Today I choose to stay in the moment - addressing today's issues rather than those that might crop up tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Anxiety and Trust

Matthew 6:30-32 - So if God treats the grass of the field, which today is here and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, this way, how much more will he give to you, you of little faith? So do not worry saying, "What shall we eat?" or "What shall we drink?" or What shall we wear?" The gentiles strive after these things. Your heavenly father knows you need them.

Had a migraine yesterday. I'm still woozy and this will be easy today! Yet, how often do we spend hours trying to decide what to wear in the morning or what to eat for lunch. Is it excessive? Perhaps I need to look at how I use my mental energy each day. Not even being anxious, just being indecisive. Food, clothing and drink are not life or death choices.

I think this is why I have an issue with this new "foodie" culture. There is a certain snobbishness around it. It is clearly an indictment of this focus on adventures in eating. The flip side is where is our food coming from. Food can hurt others if we are supporting unjust systems in our food choices. Also, are we supporting food deserts in some way?

Clearly my brain is not working as well as I hoped this morning. There seem to be several issues around food here.

Sunday, June 7, 2015


Matthew 6:28-29 - And why are you anxious about clothing? Observe the lilies of the field, they neither toil nor spin and Solomon in all his glory was not clothed like one of these.

This is one area in which I have been really not worrying! I have enough clothes for now. Since I only work sporadically and wear a collar shirt for that, I mostly wear jeans or shorts and t-shirts. I have lots of nice clothes that I need more chances to wear!

Yet, the lesson is the same as before. God's got this. God provides. Living simply is living in solidarity with those who are less fortunate in our society. Eating at the kitchen is being in solidarity with those less fortunate. Buying used clothing helps to not support sweat shops around the world. Not using more than we need.

The other lesson is to look around at the natural world. It is beautiful, more beautiful than we imagine. Nothing made by man can rival the splendor of lilies in the field. Yesterday, Peter and I were walking and we cam across an iris that was such a deep purple. It might have been an orchid, it didn't look as frail as irises usually do. But how wonderful! This too is God's gift to us. Beauty. When we are anxious about things we can do nothing about, we miss our chance to revel in the beauty of the world around us. We miss our chance for peace and serenity.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Cubits of Life

Matthew 6:27 - For which of you by worrying is able to add even one cubit to your life/stature/maturity?

I like the mixed metaphor. The image of life as a measure of distance. I like the interpretation of pychun as stature and even more as maturity. I don't think maturity is what is meant here as he is talking about worrying about your life. The plain sense is that we cannot prolong our lives by worrying. It does no good.

But looking at the triple definition and combining that with the mixed metaphor the sentence becomes more profound. Not only will worrying help us to live longer, but is will also not help us to be more mature, taller, etc. Worrying won't help anything! No matter what you are worrying about, your worry alone will accomplish nothing. It will keep you stuck and paralyzed, unable to do anything.

Combining this with our meditations of the past few days, I can see that Jesus is calling us to belief in the sense of trust, love, and faith. God has provided, God is providing, and God will provide. I am reminded of a man I met at the bus yesterday. He had obviously been in a fire - his face looked melted. He had no eyebrows and no hair. The skin was smooth and scarred. Yet he was full of such joy! He talked about looking for a job and how good God was. All the time.

My goal in the Christian life is to be able to understand how people in such straits can exhibit such hope. Sometimes I can glimpse it. I want to do more than glimpse such hope. I want to live in it. Worrying will definitely not get me there!

So today I want to put all the stresses of the past week in a box and had it over to God: the finances, the bedbugs, the arguments, the tiredness, Cathy, Bud, Cleveland. All of it. I cannot do anything today and continuing to worry will not move me forward. Instead, today I choose to focus on the next right thing. Somehow all of this will work out. In the meantime, I want to be joyful rather than anxious.

God help me.

Thursday, June 4, 2015


Matthew 6:26 - Look at the birds of the heaven. They neither sow n or reap; neither do they gather in barns. And yet your father in heaven feeds them. Are you not worth more than they? Are you not more different than they?

More different is and interesting way to say worth more. But yeah, different in a greater way. Of more worth or value. I would argue that no, we are not worth more than the sparrows. In fact, one thing we are recognizing in this century (again?) is that we are all connected and without all that is here, everything changes. Without sparrows, we are less than human. We are one part in the cog of our ecologies, our environments. Yet we are able to do a lot of damage to those environments and ourselves as well.

Of course, the point was that God loves us and values us just as the sparrow. We are treasured and cared for. There is enough for today. Worry will not help us realize our true value. It is when we realize our true value that we are able to let go of worry - and maybe even some possessions. Things that no longer really serve us well. Things we cling to out of apathy or the desire to hoard. These things are not indicators of our true value or worth, no matter what the world tells us. We have worth because we exist and because God loves us.

Since I am going out on the bus tonight, I will need to remember that!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Life and Love

Matthew  6:25 - Do not be anxious about your life, what you shall eat or drink or about your body, what you shall wear. Is not life about more than food or your body about more than clothing?

Do not worry. Why do I have such a hard time with this? I worry constantly. About money mostly. We are in a slump that way and I'm hoping I can get enough hours at TNM to help out. Plus CPE will cost $850, which is a lot of money. Ooof.

I worry about violence. There was another shooting around the corner from our condo yesterday. Conflicting reports about whether the young man is dead or not. Too much gun violence. Not enough love. I feel for the young men in James' Bible Study. They want to get out and it is almost impossible.

I worry about food and clothing. Even though I have not had to miss any meals lately. I worry because we are so behind on our assessments. I worry because we have plans and we must wait for their fulfillment. Food and clothing is another way of saying money!

Money and violence. Jesus lived in a society that was rife with poverty and violence and he found a way to say - seriously - to his followers not to worry. Life is about more than poverty and violence. It is possible to focus our minds on higher things. It is possible to make room in our hearts for love. Because living is about loving and being in community with those we love and care about. Ironically, those are the things that will help us deal with the lack of peace, security, and possessions.

Of course, it is easy to say, do not worry. How do we stop worrying? How do we remind ourselves daily that God is here and we are okay. Even if we are not physically okay. We are strong and he is strong when we aren't. How do we pray when our hearts break for the lives taken too soon? How do we follow you when we know that following means caring about others and caring about others means pain as well as joy?

Help me take that first step today - to reach out to my community.