Friday, July 31, 2015


Matthew 9:10-13 - And as he was sitting at table in the house, he saw many tax collectors and sinners coming to sit down with Jesus and his disciples. And when the Pharisees saw it they asked his disciples about it. "Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?" When Jesus heard this he said, "Those who are well have no need of healing but rather those who are sick. Go and learn what this means, I desire mercy and not sacrifice. For I came not to call the righteous but sinners.

God desires mercy and Jesus comes down and shows mercy to the sinners. We all need mercy. We all need grace. We all need hope. Jesus offers that to us. Jesus comes to tell us how much his father, his daddy loves us. And we need to not be stingy with that love but to show others as well. Following Christ means offering God's love and mercy to others. Being a conduit or a channel of God's love and mercy.

Thursday, July 30, 2015


Matthew 9:9 - And moving along from that place he saw a man sitting at the tax office whose name was Matthew. He said to him, "Follow me." And he got up and followed him.

Just like that. He got up and followed him. How often do I count the financial, mental and physical cost before I get up and follow? I think we could all do better in this area.

Yet, I want to point out something different here. Matthew was a tax collector. A collaborator with the occupying Roman government. A traitor. And Jesus says, "Follow me." He does not tell him he needs to get right with God. He doesn't argue with him about his position. He doesn't ignore him or marginalize him. This enemy withing merely gets a command. Follow me. And he does. Without thinking about the financial cost. He is rich because of his position. He may have even cheated people and kept the difference.

The Bible (Old and New Testaments) is full of people like Matthew: David killed a man in order that his adultery was not found out, Moses killed a man, Abraham put his wife's physical safety at risk for his own gain, Jacob cheats his uncle in retaliation for having been cheated, Judah refuses to do his duty by Tamar. The list is pretty long. Yet, God used all these people anyway. He gave them his grace and favor anyway. We don't deserve God's attention any more than they did, but he gives it to us anyway.

Follow me. We do not have to be perfect to follow him. We just have to follow. God takes us where and how we are. Thanks be to God!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Fear and Glory

Matthew 9:8 - When the crowd saw this they became afraid and glorified God who gave such authority to people.

Fear and glory seem to go hand-in-hand. I know that if I saw this happen I would be afraid. Power is fear-inducing - and the Republicans use this to their advantage. It is part of that fight or flight response. But the crowd didn't flee. In fact, they glorified God. Because Jesus told them that God had given this power.

Pharisees fear is their loss of power. Crowd's fear is this new thing but also what the Pharisees might do, what the Romans might do. How often do we fear consequences of others' behavior? I think trust and faith in God is the only thing keeping me going some days. Caught between a rock and a hard place.

In response, they glorified God for giving such power and authority to people. Maybe we fear our own power? What power do I need to glorify God for and use?

Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Matthew 9:5-7 - For which is easier - to say "Your sins are forgiven?" or to say "Stand up and walk?" And so that you know the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins - then he said to the paralytic, "Stand up, take your bed, and go to your home." And he stood up and went home.

The Son of Man heals everything that needs healing once we ask. The scribes and the Pharisees do not ask and so they are not healed of their pride and their envy and their anger. They cannot see past their rules or the social norms of their society.

What in me needs healing today? Lord, help me to ask.

Monday, July 27, 2015


Matthew 9:3-4 - And seeing this, some scribes said to themselves, "That is blasphemy." And Jesus, knowing what was in their minds, said, "Why do you think evil in your hearts?"

Blasphemy. Because Jesus was saying that he had the power to forgive, which belongs to God alone. Provocative! And the scribes cannot help themselves. They react - even in their hearts. How many times have I been the scribes as depicted here? I sometimes think I am being that way around RPPC. But, I remember how hard it is to be there and I know that I made the right decision. But, I can still be a scribe, a rule-minder and a critique of others who don't mind the rules. And it helps no one, which is what makes it evil. Outside of the fact that they were mistaken, it is evil because it allows no room for the spirit and is a sign of a small heart.

I come by it honestly, but that is no excuse. So, just for today, I will mind my own business and not get involved in others' actions. Whether they concern me or not. My focus is meant to be on Jesus and God's presence. I choose to open my heart to others as much as possible and to do my work today.

Sunday, July 26, 2015


Matthew 9:1-2 - And he got in the boat to cross over to his own country. And look, some people brought a paralytic before Jesus on a couch. When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, "Take courage, child, your sins are forgiven."

This does seem an odd thing to say to a disabled person. Especially in light of how quickly he has healed others before without any mention of their sins. So, did he see something in the paralytic that prompted him to say this rather than heal him, which was clearly the point of bringing him? Or, does he see the scribes and Pharisees out to get him and taunt them a bit? To set up a teaching moment perhaps.

Clearly he is being provocative. To what end? The theology of the time was that only God forgives sins and only after the ritual is complete. Is he opening up forgiveness to all - without ritual or is he declaring himself God? Or is it both?

Jesus offers us spiritual healing as well as physical and mental/emotional healing. God looks at the whole heart.

Saturday, July 25, 2015


Matthew 8:30-34 - And there was a large herd of pigs feeding some distance away. And the demons cried, if you cast us out, send us into that herd of swine. And Jesus said, "Go." And the demons went into the pigs and the whole herd was cast down the cliff and drowned in the water. And the swineherds ran into the city and told the people. The people came from the city and saw what had happened with the pigs and they begged him to leave their region.

Every time I read this story, I think of all that food just being thrown away. Sure, it wasn't food for Jesus and the disciples. It was food for the Gentiles ... No wonder they didn't want him around!

So, why does Jesus grant them their wish? Maybe it is better into the pigs than into other humans?

Friday, July 24, 2015

Son of God

Matthew 8:28-29 - When they came to the other side, two men who were possessed by demons met them. They were so fierce that no one was able to pass through that road. And look! They shouted crying, "What have we to do with you, Son of God? Have you come here to torment us before the time?"

Before the time. Torment. Son of God. These demons seem to know more about Jesus than his disciples. They are still wondering who he is.

But now they are confronted by a storm of a different sort - a mental storm. Well, and possibly a physical storm as well. The demons - not the men! - cry out. They are worried that they will be tormented. So, they know about Jesus but they cannot see his heart - the one that does not want to torment others. They immediately think he is like them because they cannot see another way. They cannot see or imagine anyone having compassion because they do not. They know who he is but not what he is. Just like the disciples are wondering what he is.

The disciples have an inkling, but even they are not yet sure. This set up prepares us for the beautiful and somewhat confusing ending of the story. Well, at least from a Jewish person's point of view. The townspeople are not that happy.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Who is this?

Matthew 8:27 - And the men marveled saying, "What kind of man is this that even the winds and the sea/lake obey him?"

I find this question interesting considering that in the story that precedes it, they clearly trusted him to do something or they would not have requested his help. In fact, they cried, "Save us!" What did they think he would be able to do? And how did his actions change their thinking?

How did his actions change our thinking? This is one of those stories where the truth of the action is not as important as what the story is trying to say. Last time I wrote about Jesus calming the storms of our lives. IF he ever did calm actual storms, it doesn't seem that he does so any longer. Possibly, the things we think of as "storms" are really just a few raindrops? Although, the disciples were experienced fishermen - at least some of them - and they would have known what to do in the event of a storm. So, the storm in the story was clearly life-threatening.

What kind of man is Jesus? This is not just a question for our intellect. It is also a question for our hearts. Our answer should affect the way we live our lives. If we think Jesus is God, then following him means following his actions and God's commandments. Again, it means going beyond the negativity of the commandments into the positivity of life-affirming actions. That was the kind of man Jesus was: someone whose actions were consistently life-affirming and healing.

Go thou and do likewise.

Saturday, July 18, 2015


Matthew 8:23-26 - When Jesus got into the boat his disciples followed him. But look! a great shaking began in the lake so that the boat was being covered/swamped by the waves. And he was asleep. The disciples woke him saying, "Lord, save us! We are perishing!" But he said to them, "Why; are you afraid? You of little faith." And he rose and rebuked the winds and the lake. And there followed a great calm.

I find it interesting that the word "seismos" means shaking - not only of the earth but of other things. So there was a great shaking of the water - a storm. It is very descriptive! And I am thinking about the shakings in our own lives. Do we react like the disciples? Do we give up? Or do we trust? These are strange questions because the disciples do trust - they know Jesus will fix the problem. So why does he say they have only a little faith? There is clearly something I'm missing here.

Is he saying that trust in God means praying? Had they tried praying? The text doesn't tell us. Who were they not trusting? Maybe he is saying that God in heaven - not Jesus is who they lack faith in. That is difficult for me, living in the 21st century, to get. Because we talk so much about faith in Jesus. We forget that his own faith was in "his father in heaven." So, they went to a person - a creation if you will - rather than the one who could help, God. Did they already see Jesus as God? I would judge from his reaction that they did not.

So, what do I do when the shaking begins? Do I pray? Not usually. Unfortunately, I tend to do that last. I do pray in the morning and sit in silence, listening for God. It just does not carry throughout the day yet. That, and the shaking has to be fairly major - like Eric's manipulation - to impact me enough to pray first.

I think Paul's advice to pray without ceasing is germane here. Help me to remember to pray without ceasing.

Friday, July 17, 2015

Burying the Dead

Matthew 8:21-22 - Another of his disciples said to him, "Permit me first to go and bury my father." And Jesus said to him, "Follow me and send/leave the dead to bury their own dead."

This is, to me, a weird thing for Jesus to say for several reasons. First, why the urgency? Jesus is advocating foregoing societal norms. Maybe it's not urgency so much as asking the person to choose; God's way or the human way. Possibly he suspects the young man (probably) of wanting to have it both ways? He wants to follow but is not yet ready. The "world" still has a hold on his thinking. He is not yet free of the Law. I remember someone somewhere saying something like once you go beyond the Law to Love, everything you do is for the good of all. That ties it into the idea of going beyond. In fact, what he might be saying is we need to go beyond the Law to the Spirit of the Law. Calvin would agree. One must first obey the prohibitions but one must also perform the opposite tasks. Not only must we not murder, we must also perform life-giving/growing acts toward others. Going beyond the original prohibition. Because that is where God lives.

Another question I have is about "the dead." I imagine Jesus must mean spiritually dead. Those who are dead to the Spirit due to their focus on adhering to the letter of the law and ignoring the Spirit. Their bodies are living but their spirits are dead. They are lost. I think this happened to me as a result of my dad's alcoholism and my mother's attempts to deal with it. No disrespect to either of them. They were lost too. Yeah. Spiritually dead. I see many people on the right that way. Their focus is money over people. It breaks my heart that so many are caught in their web.
Beyond the Law.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Following Jesus

Matthew 8:18-20 - Seeing a great crowd around him, Jesus ordered them to go to the other side. And a scribe came to him and said, "Teacher, I will follow you wherever you go." And Jesus said to him, "Foxes have their dens and birds of the air their nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head."

I will follow you wherever you go. This is so easy to say and so hard to actually do. Jesus goes where love is needed. Where healing is wanted. Where comfort is lacking. To the last, the least, and the lost. Yet, he goes a step beyond - "the other side" can also be translated as "beyond." Clearly it means the other side of the lake in this context, but I want to think about "beyond."

Because Jesus goes beyond being with the marginalized - he identifies with them, in fact, becomes one of them in order to minister to them. Now, I am not saying that we should all be homeless. I am saying that for me, my possessions surround me and form a barrier to love coming in. This is Peter's thing as well. To be in the midst of those we are ministering to and to recognize that they minister to us as well. Perhaps more so depending on the day! This is what the Catholic Worker House was/is about. Living in community and communion with those on the margins. I can feel myself slowly doing this. Slowly. It is so hard to just chuck it all and go. Beyond.

Following Jesus means going beyond again and again. Not knowing where we'll end up! Going beyond. How do I need to go beyond today?

Wednesday, July 15, 2015


Matthew 8:17 - This was so that the words of Isaiah the prophet might be fulfilled, "He took our weaknesses and bore our diseases."

So weaknesses can be sickness as well. In the context of healing that translation makes more sense. I myself am intrigued by this as I have lupus. Have I ever thought to hand it over? Have I ever thought that Jesus/Christ might take it on somehow? Have I ever thought that because God came down as a person, he understands. His empathy has been strengthened through experiencing our weakness and disease. Understanding seems a big one to me lately.

All of this is good, yet I want to look at it in the sense of weakness rather than illness. Paul claims that when we are weak (which in relation to God is always) he/they are strong. God is always strong. God's hands are always outstretched toward us - ready to receive us and to be in relationship with us. None of us can be perfect, yet God gives us grace anyway. Grace to get through one more day. Grace to let go of all that does not build up. Grace to expose our weak spots. Trusting that they will not be trampled on. Trusting that if they are trampled on, it will not be the end of the world.

No longer needing things to be just so, but being able to adapt more smoothly. Where do I need to admit weakness and let God act?

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Bringing our Brokenness to him

Matthew 8:15 - In the evening, they brought to him many who had demons; he cast the spirits out with a word and healed all those who were sick.

As I thought about this, I realize (again) that Jesus did not heal everyone. They had to reveal their brokenness to him for healing. This goes exactly against what we are taught to do - at least I was taught to do - which is to hide our imperfections and put our best foot forward. Yes, that is appropriate in many ways and places. Yet it is not appropriate in our relationship with Jesus.

Jesus wants to heal us and for that to happen we must acknowledge that we need healing. This is so difficult for many of us. It is difficult for me. I want to imagine that I have it all together! The pastor on Sunday spoke about the unfortunate man who tried to stabilize the ark and was killed for trying to control the outcome, trying to control God. They were not carrying it correctly in the first place and his touching it got him killed. In much the same way I want to control how others see me.

I want to control my call; where I'll go, what I'll do, when I'll do it. It is so hard to let this all be right now and take the next right step - which is getting another CPE unit under my belt. There is so much in the air and I have been learning to be comfortable with having things in the air. And yet, I have way too many moments of trying to control things over which I have no power to control. This is my major brokenness.

So, just for today, I choose to go with God's flow and pace for my life and my calling. God is with me. All is well.

Saturday, July 11, 2015


Matthew 8:14-15 - Then Jesus went to the home of Peter and saw that his mother-in-law was laid down and was feverish. He stretched out his hand and the fever left her and she got up and served him.

Not them - him. So did she serve him a meal? Or was there another way to serve him? If a meal, why just him and not them. Clearly he didn't go by himself to Peter's house. There was probably a crowd along with him. And where was Peter's wife?

Was she living with her parents while Peter roamed the countryside? Was she perhaps dead? Why go to the mother-in-law's house (possibly husband dead?) rather than his parent's home. Did they not have one? Were they estranged because he and his brother took off and left their father to work alone? So many questions packed into this one short scene.

At any rate, Jesus heals her and in her gratitude she serves him. Perhaps we should follow that example as best we can. Looking for ways to serve - a meal, washing, hospitality, generosity, speaking up for the least of these. Maybe she not only served a meal, but followed that up with other types of support.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015


Matthew 8:10-12 - And Jesus said, "Nowhere else in Israel have I found such faith. I say to you that people shall come from the east and west to eat in the kingdom of heaven but the heirs to the kingdom will be sent into the outer darkness, where there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth."

In other words, the Jewish people had no faith and would be outside of God's kingdom. What an indictment. Of Israel yes, but also of Christians today. We might consider ourselves heirs of the kingdom, yet we, too sometimes stand on our laurels. We forget that following Christ means doing as he did; loving and accepting everyone. Time and again he is shown interacting with society's worst (then) and finding something redeemable in all of them. Each and every one. It is my goal to have that same love for others. I think I especially need it for Peter today. I made it a little rough yesterday.

Thank God he continues to give us grace anyway! Else I would have none.

Monday, July 6, 2015


Matthew 8:9 - For I am a man with authority with soldiers under me. I say to this one, "Go" and he goes. And to that one, "Come" and he comes or to my servant, "Do this" and he does it.

Authority. Jesus had authority over sickness, demons, sin and ultimately death. Jesus the Christ, still has authority over these things. The centurion recognizes authority in others and thus he has faith that Jesus can heal his servant.

As I am in a hotel room on the way to Cleveland I will think today about what I give Jesus authority over in my life today. Is there something I need to let go of? Something that he can heal but that I am still holding on to? I will be aware of what I am holding back today.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Healing and worthiness

Matthew 8:5-8 - When he entered Capernaum, a Centurion came to him pleading and said, "Lord, my servant/child is laid up at home, paralyzed and in great torment. And he answered him, "I will come and heal him." But the centurion replied, "Lord, I am not worthy that you should come under my roof. Only say a word and my servant/child shall be healed."

The centurion speaks for us all! None of us are worthy to have God come under our roofs. And he comes anyway. We are not worthy of her grace, and she gives it to us anyway. We crucify Christ, we hurt each other, we are greedy, lustful, slothful, jealous creatures. Yet God gives us grace anyway.

Because that is not all that we are! We were made in God's image - which means that we are God's representatives here on earth. We suck at it, but that is what we are. We are capable of so much more than being greedy, lustful, slothful, jealous creatures. WE are also faithful, loving, simple, productive creatures. That is the paradox of what it means to be human.

Lord, we are not worthy to have you come under our roofs. Yet you come anyway; bringing healing and love and comfort and joy and grace because you love us. Help us today to be grateful.

Saturday, July 4, 2015


Matthew 8:4 - And Jesus said to him, "See that you say nothing to anyone. Rather go and show yourself to the priests and offer the gift that Moses commanded as a testimony/witness to them.

Gratitude. When we receive healing we are to show gratitude to the healer and to witness/share our story with others.

It so happens that I have a healing story this morning. I emailed Eric Thursday night saying that I would no longer be coming because I was feeling controlled, manipulated and coerced. It was making me very uncomfortable. I talked with Peter about it a lot. Yesterday I talked with Maria as well. I shared with her how it felt like I was possibly overdoing it. I also shared that I thought perhaps the initial letter to Eric was unclear in that I focused on the assigning of teams and not on the entire process. And yet I knew I had done what I needed to do for me.

In my email to Eric, I made it plain that I would be available after Peter and I returned from Cleveland. Last night, just as Peter and I were going on our walk, he phoned. Of course I didn't answer and he had left a message. I did not listen to it right away. Instead I told Peter a little more about Dave because I wanted him to have that extra context. Peter is a rock! He grasped what I was saying immediately. He realized the two situations were similar and he realized that Eric had overstepped the boundary I laid down.

When we got closer to the lake, we sat down and listened to the message. I have already deleted it but I remember the part about how he, Eric, did not see the letter as coercive. That was when I deleted it. I asked Peter if he saw what was wrong with that. He said, it's not about him. I love that man! :) So I shared a similar situation with Dave - his claiming that he wanted to come pick some stuff up, but really just wanting to see me - and how I handled that.

Eric had called Peter as well asking how he felt about it. To his credit, Peter said nothing about wanting to call Eric back. Finally, Eric emailed about two hours after he had called. I put a filter on my account that will send him to the trash and blocked him from my phone. If he tries calling or emailing again, I will not see it.

I felt truly supported and affirmed that my decision was the correct one. And I did not have to wait for things to escalate before I took care of myself. That is the healing - that I did what I knew I had to do and took care of myself rather than trying to make everyone happy with my decision. I am the only one I need to please here. I do have some work to do around this - I need to be able to deal with manipulative people at some point in my career - yet I can see that I did the right thing.

So, now to express my gratitude, I promise myself that when I catch myself thinking about this while I'm on break, I will stop and refocus on God and what the next right step is. I refuse to let this situation get in the way of Peter and I having a good time.

Friday, July 3, 2015


Matthew 8:1-3 - When he came down from the mountain, a great crowd followed him. Look! a leper came and knelt before him saying, "Lord, if you wish, you can make be clean." And having stretched forth his hand, he touched him saying, "I do wish. Be made clean." And immediately, his leprosy was cleansed.

Healing and God's wish. God wishes to heal us. But so often we forget to ask. If we wish, we can be made clean. The thing I'd like to keep in my mind both today and during the next week is that God wishes to heal both Peter and me. This week will give us time away from our respective challenges and give us space to enjoy each others company.

I wrote Eric a letter yesterday telling him to take my name off the team. I forwarded my original letter just in case he had not yet seen it. I explained that I was no longer going to be a regular worshiper at RPPC. I acknowledged the crappy timing. And requested that if he wanted to discuss it, I would be available after the 13th. So, I do not have that on my mind. At least much. I bring this up because I see healing in this. I see myself taking care of myself. I see myself acknowledging a painful reality. And I see myself not giving in to the voice inside my head that tells me I am being selfish or childish. I need healing when I go to worship - not a lecture no how things are going to be different. I need to hear how God cares and heals and how she is helping our church. But for the last six months all we've gotten has been warnings and lectures about the change. And each time, I feel a little worse.

I do not intend to tell Eric this, but I want to reinforce it for myself. God wants us all to heal and right now I can see that my healing needs to be done elsewhere.

I see God working to heal Peter as well. The situation at work looks grim, but it is a golden opportunity for them to really look at their policies and structures. I hope they are able to do so.

Thursday, July 2, 2015


Matthew 7:27-8 - And when he finished these sayings, the crowd was astonished at his teaching, for he taught (or his teaching was) as of one having authority. and not as that of the scribes.

So my question is: Was it the words of the scribes that lacked authority or their manner? I suspect it was the teaching itself. So, what did the scribes then teach? Clearly, Jesus' teaching was radical and astonishing. It does not seem that way to many of us because we have incorporated these ideas into our civilization and culture. Yet they were fairly new to the Jewish people hearing them at this time. Or at least the author of Matthew wanted his audience to think so.

I'll have to think about this more ...

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Foolish Foundation

Matthew 7:26-7 - But the one who listens to my words and does not do them is like a foolish man, who built his house on sand. Then the rains fell, the floods came, the wind blew and beat against that house and it fell and great was its fall.

So foundation is important. Love of God is our foundation. At least the foundation on living rock.

"Great was its fall." This intrigues me. Does it mean that losing the house was a great calamity - which it surely was? Does it mean the house was large and therefore its fall is large? Our houses are generally our biggest investment. They cost more than other things we own. The same was true then. The impact would have been tremendous to the owner. The time and money poured into building the house would have been enormous. Even if it was a small house.

Or, does it mean its fall was complete? There was not salvaging any of it? This seems likely. It at least has possibilities. So, the foundation of our plans is the key to their execution. If the premise is wrong, the argument falls flat. If our thinking is faulty, our actions will be faulty as well. If our hearts are not on God, are not centered on God, our actions will not be fruitful - well, they will not produce good fruit. Loving actions add love to the world, hateful actions add hate.

What is our/my foundation?