Thursday, November 3, 2016

Jesus alone

Matthew 17:8 - And when they lifted up their eyes they saw no one except Jesus alone.

One winter I went on my customary walk to Promontory Point. As I came over the hill, I saw for the first time, the lake frozen over. It was dark and my whole body froze. It just looked wrong. I could almost hear the ominous music in the background. It took me a few seconds to comprehend what I was looking at! It was very creepy.

I think it must have felt somewhat like the disciples in this story: awe, fear, a little weirded out, amazed. I can feel the hollow feel of their stomach when they realize that what they saw was special. And somehow they were aware of their own unworthiness to see such a vision. And yet ... When I was hearing God's voice that is what it was like. People imagine it would be a fantastic experience but there are a lot of other emotions going on too. What were they thinking? In Luke's story, they recognize him as the messiah. Here they do not.

The thing is, God is always speaking. For us to really hear, we need to get really quiet and centered. Sometimes God gets our attention in a big way - like here - but more often in my life, it's the small voice. Where am I/are you seeing GOd today.

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