Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Mustard seeds

Matthew 17:19-20 - And the disciples came to him privately and asked him, "Why could we not cast it out?" And Jesus answered saying, "Because you have little faith. For truly I tell you that if you had faith the size of a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, "move here" or "move there." and it would. Nothing would be impossible for you.

This is truly a humbling passage. I mean if you weren't humbled by the previous passage, this will do it. Mustard seeds are tiny, tiny, tiny. To recognize that my faith is smaller than that forces me to rely on Jesus' faith. I cannot rely on my own resources alone. I need others and I need Jesus. In this, I am like everyone else. Considering the results of the election, I need to keep this in mind. When I take an action, I need to talk to others about also taking action. I need to join with others' actions as well. And maintain that contact with my source - God, Jesus, and Spirit.

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