Thursday, November 17, 2016


Matthew 17:14-15 - As they came toward the crowd, a man came up to him and knelt before him saying, "Lord, have mercy on my son for he has seizures and often falls into the fire and often into the water."

Thinking about this in light of the recent election: we, too, need mercy. Because we too have seizures - seizures of greed, anger, pride, fear, lust - overall selfishness. Sometimes it leads us into the fire, others into the water. THis is true both of society as a whole and of each of us as individuals. We could all rewrite this using different words for "fire" and "water". What actions get us into trouble with our friends/family/spouses? what habits do we have that take us far from God?

The good news is we too can go to God/Jesus and say Have mercy, Lord. We too can ask for healing and correction. We can ask for guidance when we need it. God is always available to hear us. Today I choose to be available to hear God.

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