Monday, December 11, 2017

Advent Day 9

Psalm 122:6-7 - Pray for the well-being of Jerusalem; may those who love you be at peace. May there be well-being within your ramparts and peace in your citadels.

Peace seems so far from Jerusalem - moreso now than usual. Praying for peace there seems like a fool's errand. Peace itself often seems like a fool's goal. I've been saying a prayer designed to open one's heart to all people and things. Every time I get to the praying for the well-being of "enemies" (none of you!) I can feel my heart shut down. Yet, if I or you or anyone - if we are not at peace withing ourselves, how can there be peace on earth?

For the beginning of this church year, the pastor at the church we've been attending seems to be doing a series on beginnings and endings. Yesterday he spoke on the sexual harassment and rape stories coming out in recent weeks as something that needed to end. Our church conversation on this issue needs to begin. He confessed his own ignorance and talked about having that conversation as a church. He gave no details. He did speak directly to the men saying it is on them. He ended by saying that after confession comes grace. I think he missed a few steps - apologizing, amends, and changing our behavior. Peace requires action.

St Francis - or whoever wrote his prayer - knew this. The prayer outlines the things that make for peace: sowing God's love, forgiveness, faith, hope, light, and joy. God's peace, the peace that passes all understanding, consists of these things. Where they are missing, there is no peace.

Lord, make us instruments of your peace.

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