Friday, December 8, 2017

Advent Day 6

Psalm 130:7 - O Israel, wait for the Lord; for with the Lord is steadfast love and great power to redeem.

I'm sad today. I'm sad about my friends who are sick. I'm sad about the fires in Southern California, wreaking havoc on the lives of my friends and family. I'm sad about Jerusalem. I'm sad about Republicans trying to take away all that was good about America along with our money and our healthcare. There seems to be no end to the number of things to be sad about. Yet, hope does not spring from times of east and prosperity, but rather from times of difficulty and pain.

Jurgan Moltmann writes that if we can see how to get what we hope for, it isn't really hope. All we have to do is take those steps. No, hope lies beyond our horizon, beyond our ability to see the entire path. Our hope in God's promises will be fulfilled in the future. God's promises are always in the future. When one is fulfilled, more promises will take its place. There is always another promise beyond our horizon.

What we wait for is not God to fix things, but for God's word, God's guidance, God's Love. Wait for the Lord; for with the Lord is steadfast love. The world as it is at this moment is not in its final state. These things too shall pass. We wait for love to fill our bodies that we may work with God in bringing about justice where there is injustice.

Wait for the Lord; for with the Lord is steadfast Love.

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