Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Advent Day 10

Psalm 85:11 - Faithfulness and truth meet; justice and well-being kiss.

This is the Jewish Publication Society translation and I want to note a few things about that. First, the word translated 'faithfulness' (kesed) can refer to God's faithfulness to her covenant or our own faithfulness to the covenant. It is a mutual faithfulness rather than our own or God's. To me that makes this word even more profound. How deep and wide is God's faithfulness? Deep and wide enough to meet truth. How deep and wide is our faithfulness?

Another interesting thing about this vision of the future is the translation of 'justice' rather than 'righteousness' for zedek. This makes the idea expressed in this verse communal rather than individual. Communities offer (or not) justice. Individuals are righteous. Justice is not seen here in the penal sense, but rather in the sense of a community's well-being.

Which brings me to my third point: the translation of shalom as well-being rather than peace. You may have noticed that in yesterday's psalm as well. There can be no peace when all are not fed. There can be no peace when all are not safe. There can be no peace when all are not housed adequately. There can be no peace when all are not free. There can be no peace when the environment is abused for our gain. There can be no peace when all of God's good creation is not taken care of physically, emotionally, and spiritually. This is what make the Republican tax bill so monstrous: it creates a greater injustice than already exists; it does evil and calls it good.

There is no peace without justice - justice and well-being kiss. How are we feeding the hungry? How are we clothing the naked? housing the homeless? Keeping women safe from harassment of all types? keeping people of colors safe? keeping LGBTQ people safe? supporting disabled and chronically ill people? taking care of our neighborhoods? These questions are not just advent questions - we should be asking them every day all year round. Injustice happens year-round. Peace takes action - peace is a lifestyle rather than something we think about only at Christmas.

Lord make me an instrument of your well-being.

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