Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Advent Break - Day 3

Psalm 33:20 - My being waits upon you, Lord; you are our help and our shield.

Advent is a time of waiting - for what? In our current political situation in the US - rich against poor - waiting seems to signify hopelessness, defeat. It feels like giving up. Although God is a God of hope, she is not going to come down and sort it all out for us. That's why we have brains and free will. No, that is not what we're waiting for. In fact, this tension between action and waiting is inherent in the Bible. There is a time for both.

The books of the Bible do not all agree with each other. This verse from the Psalms is about waiting in hope for the Lord; in Matthew, Jesus encourages us to get out of our boats of safety. They seem to contradict each other. Yet, waiting on the Lord does not mean we cease all activity. It means we spend time with God and listen for her voice. Advent waiting is a time to reconnect with the promises of hope, joy, love, and peace. It is a stepping back from our unnecessary activities - TV, social media - in order to listen. Advent waiting is sitting in the presence of the Lord listening for what Jesus may have to say to us. We still our hearts and minds to make room for God to come in. We open our hearts and minds to what may come to us in the silence. Finally it requires discernment - was that suggestion from God or my own desires talking?

As we wait in hope, we can still fulfill our obligations. We can be open to God at work, at play, while shopping for gifts, while protesting, while contacting our senators and representatives, while driving - we can do it all in God's presence. We invite Christ into our activity and our waiting. Christ can be born in us if we allow him in.

Hope is born in us as well, and with hope comes activity. God is our rock and our shield, which we wouldn't need if we are living outside the safety of our boats. So Advent is a time of waiting, listening, and discernment, but it is also a time of making plans and a time of acting on what we have heard and discerned.

How will you find time today to invite God in?

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