Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Are You Able?

Matthew 20:22 - Jesus answered, "You do not know what you are asking. Are you able to drink the cup I will drink?" They answered, "We are."

Although their mom asks Jesus the favor, he includes them in his response - or maybe he speaks directly to them.  She does not know what she is asking. From her request, it seems she (and her sons) envisions a military, earthly kingdom in which she will see her sons rule. The 'cup' Jesus refers to is his arrest, torture, and crucifixion. He just said this a few sentences ago for the third time. Clearly, either the mother wasn't there for these revelations or she doesn't understand what Jesus meant. She is asking for honors for her son they have yet to demonstrate they deserve. She's still being a good mother, it's just that she doesn't have all the information.

In fact, she was probably cajoled into it by her sons, who did hear these proclamations all three times. It hasn't occurred to them that they, too, will be arrested, tortured, and killed. Even though Jesus has made it clear, there's a part of their brains that resists. They don't quite believe it and also think Jesus kingdom will be a military one.

All my life, I have thought of this story playing out calmly and with little drama, because of the way it's often read in church. Yet, today, I wonder whether Jesus would be a little sarcastic or disbelieving. Rather than a solemn statement and question, what about a mild rebuke and a challenge? Possibly a laugh of scorn, a little rolling of the eyes, a silent "How long, O Lord?" to underscore the chasm between what he wants them to know and what they are willing or able to take in. I'm sure there's a lot of frustration going on.

Yet, the disciples are stand-ins for us - how often do we over- or underestimate our abilities? Quite often. Without self0reflection, human beings become reactionary. It takes maturity - emotional, mental, and spiritual maturity, to begin responding rather than reacting. James and John are not there yet. None of us is - there's always deeper we can go. Jesus question is a challenge. "Are you able to drink the cup" gives them a chance to think. There is no indication they do. They answer immediately, "we are." This answer lets us know that they are not able. Not yet.

What about you? What about me? What cup is Jesus offering us today? Whatever it is, Jesus will give us courage to drink.

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