Thursday, November 16, 2017

Walking from Jericho

Matthew 20:29 - As they were leaving Jericho, a great crowd followed him.

Raise your hand if you knew they were in Jericho. Having finished his gentle rebuke and theology lesson on becoming a slave, we abruptly discover they were in Jericho, about 25 km (15ish miles) away from their goal, Jerusalem.  Remember he told them that he was going to his death there. As usual, a great crowd followed him.

Do you ever wonder whether Jesus was ever annoyed by the crowds? We know he tried to get away when he could. Was he an introvert or an extrovert? I wonder because it would bother me. I'd need some time away from people to regroup, recharge, and rest in God (not in that order). I wonder if Jesus needed that or if he was so on fire, he had to keep going. Some people are like that. Not me.

I also wonder about the crowds following him. Were they all the same people? Why did they follow him? for his teaching? hoping for healing? because he gave them hope and they wanted to be near him? What about their families; wives, husbands, brothers, sisters, mothers. Recall that Jesus told them that if any of them left their mothers, sisters or brothers they would receive many more such figures in their life. But, how did the families and children left behind feel? Maybe their families were with them? But then we need to ask about their livelihood? It would have been a rather large social disruption, which would have annoyed the authorities for certain.

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