Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Crowd Takes Charge

Matthew 30:31 - The crowd rebuked them so that they would be silent but they cried out louder, "Lord, have mercy on us."

"The crowd rebuked them." Gah. This has been a thing - people thinking they know what others would want them to do and doing it without asking. Its usually men, in my experience anyway. As a competent woman who's had this done to me many times, this annoys me no end. Especially when their intentions were "good," because that makes it harder to speak up.

Or, maybe the crowd misunderstood, the true nature of love that has no limit. Perhaps they thought that if Jesus healed these two blind men, there would be less healing for them. Love is not a zero sum commodity! More for you doesn't mean less for me. Especially true of Jesus. He loved everyone. Even the Sadducees and the Pharisees. Even the rich young man who couldn't give up his wealth and possessions. Even Judas. Even Trump, Ryan and McConnell. Yet, we cannot believe it. We don't want to believe it. I think because we suspect there might be more required of us if we begin to believe it., which is true.

So, the crowd, perhaps because they're afraid they'll end up with less if the blind men are healed, try to silence their competition ... and the competition won't be silenced. I think this idea of competition explains some people. Those who are afraid that someone they disapprove of will get something undeserved. Jesus rewards these men, which means they can be a model. They KNOW that Jesus can help them and so ignore those that try to stand in their way. I don't know about you, but I am the person who stands in my way. Before I even get started, my brain is telling me that it's not worth it. I am about to send my application to Iliff's MTS program and my brain is loud right now. Yet, if Jesus can heal two blind people, he can heal my mind's crazy, negative thoughts.

Do I have the dedication and courage to act on this knowledge that Jesus can heal? Do I have the courage to trust Jesus with the outcome, including financial questions? I sometimes think I am trusting and following Jesus' way and then something will happen, a small bump in the road. I need to work at it every day. Some days are better than others! Just for today, I choose to trust.

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