Saturday, April 2, 2016

Apostles are us

Matthew 14:17-18 - But they said, "We only have five loaves and two fish." Jesus replied, "Bring them to me."

The apostles cannot see the possibilities that Jesus can. They can only see what is in front of them. Like Sarah laughing at the thought of having a child, the apostles are limited by the current situation. They cannot see how to get around it - and often we are like them. We cannot see the way through whatever is blocking us or standing in our way. For me, it is indecision - a letting things happen rather than working for what I want because I do not want to want anything.

Yet, Jesus has no such limitation. Neither does God. Yet, we often act as if God cannot do what we cannot do. I carry this attitude even though I have seen many times in my life when God has astonished me, when God made a way out of no way.

Rather than saying "only" today, I will choose to acknowledge what I have as enough. And rather than limiting myself, I will ask myself how I can build on what I have today. I am reminded here of the writing prompts I have been working on. Recently, we were prompted to write 25 positive character traits. That in itself was a task for me, yet we were then asked to write 250 words on one of them each day for 25 days. This can only make me more confident and loving. Today I have enough.

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