Thursday, March 31, 2016


Matthew 14:15-16 - When evening came, the disciples came to Jesus and said, "This is a lonely place, and the day is now over; send the crowds away to go into the villages and buy food for themselves." But Jesus said to them, "They need not go away. You give them something to eat."

So props to the disciples who were compassionate and wanted to make sure everyone had food. I know had I been there I would have worried about this myself. It would have distracted me from listening, in fact. Especially if I were hungry also.

They go to Jesus with their proposed solution. But Jesus does not respond the way they think. He challenges his disciples to be more than they are - individually and corporately. His response must have confused them! Yet, their solution kept each family apart from the others and created competition among them. Can you imagine the stampede? The subways are similar here in Chicago. People rushing to get their preferred seat. In this atmosphere, there is no community, no family. There is only competition and every person for themselves.

Jesus challenges us to think in a new way. Rather than competing with others, maybe we could try cooperation and community building? Maybe we could solve everyone's problem at once rather than having individuals solve their own problems. This is why we have government and when those in government do their jobs, all our needs get filled. But sometimes we have people who have not yet learned Jesus's challenge to think communally. And people get hurt.

How am I resisting thinking in terms of community and how is that harmful in my life today?

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