Wednesday, March 2, 2016


Matthew 13:44 - The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, that someone found and covered up. Then in their joy they go and sell all that they have and buys that field.

 Okay, so the point is that the kingdom of heaven is valuable - it means life! That part of the parable is pretty obvious. So, I want to talk about several other aspects of the parable starting with the treasure being hidden.

Of course, parables can be taken too far and I recognize that is what I'm doing here. And yet, how often do i hide that my own treasure, so much more God's treasure within me? How often do I tell people, I don't like writing? How often do I get told that it is my gift. I am like Peter hanging on to his accounting. God's treasure is meant to be used. The parable does not say what the man does with the treasure. Yet, its previous owner tucked it away. What treasure of God's are we tucking away rather than using and sharing with the world?

Secondly, joy in discovering the treasure of heaven. How joyful are we when we worship? How joyful are we when we pray? How joyful are we when we go about our daily life? The Christian life is marked with joy. Of course, there are people who have medical conditions that make joy impossible. I am not talking about that. Yet, if we are not finding joy in our journeying with Christ, we need to look at that! Because it means there is probably work for us to do. Are we resentful, angry, snappy with others, turned in on ourselves, jealous, envious, greedy, lazy, slothful, prideful? All of these get in the way of our relationship with Jesus and with others. I woke up cranky this morning - work to do.

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