Wednesday, March 23, 2016

John's Head

Matthew 14:10-11 - He sent and had John beheaded in prison. And it was put on a platter and brought to the girl, who brought it to her mother.

Life was cheap then and it is still cheap today. Especially in some areas of the world - like Chicago. Especially in America if one is black or brown. In the Middle East, Europe, Latin America. The world is struggling with labor pains as Paul said. Sometimes we go backward.

John was beheaded in prison, yet his head was displayed to the company. How gruesome was that? Were these people used to such gore in their lives? Or was it just business as usual?

What about Herodias' daughter? Clearly she is not innocent in the ways of the world and the court. She would have grown up in such surroundings. How does she feel about being used in this way by her mother? She is a pawn and yet she had the power in that moment. In what ways have I used my own power for cruelty rather than encouraging life? How can I then move from violence to life in my actions and words?

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