Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Ruled by Others

Matthew 14:9 - The king was grieved; on account of the oath and the guests, he ordered that it be given.

So to being ruled by fear of the crowd and the prophet we have added the opinions of others. On account of the guests who heard his oath, he orders John to be beheaded.

Herod's fear and worry about appearances - he wants to be seen as a man of his word - make him weak rather than strong. Having no center, no core values, no ethos keeps us reacting rather than responding. I have learned this from my latest round of CPE. Responding requires a center and knowing what that center is and honoring it in ourselves and others.

Herod cannot do that. As a ruler he must be seen as tough and as good for his word. Yet, in worrying about appearances he gives his power, his internal and external power, over to others. First his wife and then the crowd. He doesn't want to kill John yet his fear puts him in the position of having no choice if he wants to keep up appearances.

So, in what ways do I myself keep up appearances? In what ways do I give my power to others rather than using it?

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