Friday, April 22, 2016

The Struggle

Matthew 14:24-25 - The boat by this time was many furlongs distant from the land, beaten by the waves; for the wind was against them. And in the fourth watch of the night he came to them, walking on the water.

Two things: first of all, every painting I have ever seen of this story has Jesus walking across calm water. Secondly, The disciples' furious actions to save themselves and the boat are left out. Most likely because the people listening at the time would have filled in that detail on their own. So, let's revise our mental image of this scene. The boat is in the middle of a vast lake - say Lake Michigan - and the winds are whipping the waves and the boat is struggling. The disciples would be very active, doing everything they can to ensure their survival. There is no mention of praying but perhaps they are doing that as well. In the midst of this stormy struggle, Jesus comes walking across the water. The water that is being whipped by the wind and waves. How different is that from our usual image!

So, two things about this new image. Again, there is no mention of praying and if this were my life that would be accurate. I, a minister, tend to turn to prayer when all other help seems gone. I struggle against the winds and waves of life thinking I need to do it all alone, without God's help. This will be a life long struggle for me to remember prayer.

Secondly, Jesus comes anyway. Jesus comes in the midst of our struggles whether we pray or not! Because that is who Jesus is. Not only does he come to the disciples, he comes in their struggle. The wind and the waves do not cease for several verses. Jesus is with them in their struggle AND helping them through it. When we wonder where Jesus or God are when we are struggling, we have assurance that they are with us; even, or especially, when we cannot sense their presence.

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