Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Following across the water

Matthew 14:28 - Peter answered him saying, "If it is you, Lord, call to me to come to you across the water."

I remember the first time I had experience with this. I was working as a receptionist and I knew my time was limited at the company, that they would replace me with a phone tree. So, I asked God for help in what to do. Within a week I had a phone call asking if I wanted a job.

Then, when I was feeling like I might be called to ministry and tired of wrestling with whether this was real or not, I told God that I would know if I heard it from some other person. I wanted to be sure before I pursued this. The next day, my Al-Anon sponsor and I were talking and she, out of the blues, asked if I had ever thought about becoming a minister. Um ...

So, yes, we test God and I'm hoping God doesn't mind. However, there is another lesson here besides not quite trusting our eyes or ears. Peter tests Jesus yes, but then he begs Jesus to call him to come to him. He wants to be with Jesus, even on the water. With the waves swamping the boat and the wind blowing wildly, Peter wants to follow Jesus. He wants to follow even though he is afraid, even though he might fail, even though he might die. He asks to be called.

I am struggling this morning with my future plans. I have money toward graduate work and I am so torn what to do with it. I keep putting it off. Just last week, I realized I needed to get serious. Well, Ted did too because when he replied to my email asking for another extension he added that it would help if they knew my plans. So, I am feeling a little like Peter; swamped by the waves of doubt and deluged of the wind of confusion. Lord, call me to follow you across the water.

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