Wednesday, April 6, 2016


Matthew 14:19 - He ordered the crowds to sit (lay) down upon the grass. Then he took the five loaves and two fish; looked up to heaven; blessed, broke, and gave the bread to the disciples and the disciples to the crowd.

One thing about human beings is we all have great ideas and good natural impulses. Many of us as we grow learn to inhibit our good impulses. I think this may be why seeing homeless people begging on the street (or just existing on the street) makes us angry. Are we angry at the person? Or are we sad that the problem is so big and that makes us angry? I think for a lot of us it is the latter.

Anyway, Jesus, in sharing the loaves and fish the disciples have, gives the crowd permission to share - if only so as not to look bad in the eyes of others. We often need permission to take steps. Many of us think about our friends or family without letting them know. Jesus gives us permission to let them know when we are thinking about them! It is hard to risk being rejected but that is really what loving ourselves and others is all about. Risking our feelings, our sense of self-worth to let another know that we see them and we care. Jesus sees the crowd, he cares, and he shares what he has and all are satisfied. 

Is there something I need to share in my life that I am holding onto instead?

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