Thursday, February 4, 2016

The one who has

Matthew 13:12 - For the one who has (the secret of heaven) will be given more, and that one will have abundance; but the one who doesn't have (the secret of heaven), even what that one has will be taken away.

Jesus is still answering the disciples' question about parables. Those who understand the secrets of heaven will learn by hearing them; those who don't will only become more confused. So we are back to our soil. Yet, even those who don't understand are recipients of God's love. I think it is important to remember that throughout this pericope. Jesus is not saying that those who do not have the secrets of heaven are losers and doomed to hell. Only that those who have the secrets of heaven will be able to gain through his parables.

This passage taken out of context describes the contemporary American political landscape. A few rich people control both the Democrats and Republicans. It is very hard on African-American people as well as poor people in general. Particularly in Chicago where Rahm Emmanuel (Ha!) has been systematically cutting services for these populations as well as closing public schools in favor of charter schools. Jesus is NOT condoning taking from the poor!

I just thought of a possibility for the secrets of heaven: LOVE. I may be slow on that! Those who love, will receive love in return (usually) and those who cannot/will not love, cannot receive love in return.

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