Saturday, February 20, 2016

Burning weeds

Matthew 13:28b-30 - "Do you want us to pull them?" He said to them, "No for in gathering the weeds you might uproot the wheat along with it. Let them grow until they are ready to harvest. At harvest time I will tell the reapers to gather up the weeds first and bind them into bundles to be burned, but gather the wheat into my barn."

A vision of the kingdom of heaven that contains both good and evil. Later in this same chapter Jesus explains the parable - Son of God is the man, disciples are the servants, the good wheat are those who hear God, the bad wheat are the evil ones of the world. It is a metaphor for the days of judgment. Yet, it is also a description of the world as it is. It can even be a description of each individual as they are. We have good and bad qualities. As children, we need love much, much more than we need those bad qualities routed.

Our job, as I see it, is to accept the weeds - see them, note them, recognize them - and work to gather them into bundles. Work to make them ineffective. Work for opportunities for good. Not sure exactly how to do that, yet there it is.

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