Friday, February 19, 2016

Kingdom of Heaven

Matthew 13:26-28a - So when the plants came up and bore grain, the weeds came up also. And the servants of the household came and said to him, "Sir, did you know sow good seed in your field; how then does it have weeds?" And he answered them, "An enemy has done this."

Okay. In thinking about this I am wondering about weeds. Aren't they natural? Don't they grow no matter how good your seed is? Or is it that there are so many and they are entwined? In any case, I should think the weeds would just be there anyway - no matter how good the seed. And maybe this is the point. God saw all that he created and called it good. Yet we, as part of creation are no longer good. The ground has been cursed for us.

Our seeds are good yet we have weeds. God doesn't excise them immediately. He allows the good in us to grow along with the bad until we ourselves can see the bad - the impulses to hurt others, to be selfish, to gossip, to jealousy, to violence. Maybe we are the enemy by eating the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Yet God gives us chances to grow, individually and corporately. We mess it up individually and corporately. Yet God still loves us -- her love continues to rain down in hopes that we will repent and turn and let God heal us.

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