Sunday, February 28, 2016

Another parable of heaven

Matthew 13:33-5 - And another parable he put before them, "The kingdom of heaven can be compared to yeast which she added to three measures of flour and the whole loaf was leavened." All these things Jesus spoke to them in parables to the crowd. Indeed, he said nothing that was not a parable. This was to fulfill the word of the prophet, "I will open my mouth in parables, I will utter what has been hidden since the foundation of the world."

So, about the flour; three measures of flour is enough for a lot of bread. The idea here is abundance. Together, the parables are of health, shelter, and abundance of good things in the kingdom of heaven. They show that the little things we do to promote these things on earth result in little slices of heaven here and now. I have often wondered whether this is how God chooses to bring heaven down to earth - the real meaning hidden in the parables is that following God brings heaven to earth until finally, it actually is heaven. Possibly that is blasphemous.

Parables also serve to keep the hidden, hidden. It must be thought about through our hearts rather than our heads. Sacred things cannot be explained like math. In Spiritual Math, 1+1 might equal 100, because of God's abundance. The Trinity itself is an example of something that we cannot completely understand with our intellect alone. Even with our heart the Trinity may be elusive for most. Yet, parables and sayings and symbols give us ways to talk about what we cannot see with our physical eyes and feel with our physical bodies. They give us another way in.

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