Monday, February 8, 2016

Seeing and hearing with our hearts

Matthew 13:13-14 - For this reason I speak to them in parables; that seeing they do not see and hearing they may not hear. With them indeed is fulfilled the words of the prophet Isaiah, "You shall indeed hear but never understand, you shall indeed see but never perceive."

Parables are stories that ring true on the outside. We are still talking about the parable of the generous farmer who flings seeds willy nilly. We understand that such a farmer will not succeed in farming because he/she is wasting their seed. Yet, just as a parabola reaches toward its limit and never arrives, so a parable come close to the truth it is illustrating without ever saying it outright. That is why we must read/hear these parables through the lens of Love, we must use our hearts rather than our eyes or our ears.

Only then will we truly perceive or understand that the goal of the farmer in Jesus' parable is not the goal of any earthly farmer! Rather the farmer represents God and the seed is God's infinite love. Where something is infinite the concept of wasting it makes no sense. So it is with God's love - there is enough and more for everyone. God's desire is that we would receive this love in our hearts. And 'we' means everyone, even those I might perceive to be dangerous. All means all.

So let us pray that we may hear our thoughts and those of others with our hearts rather than our minds. Let us hear others through the lens of Love.

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