Friday, February 12, 2016


Matthew 13:16 - But blessed are your eyes, for they see and your ears, for they hear.

Blessed are our eyes when we are able to see God's Spirit working in the world. Blessed are our ears when we hear the words we need. Blessed eve are our hearts when they rejoice with God and God's people. We truly are blessed as were the disciples. They saw, and heard and felt something in Jesus' words that was important to them. Important enough to abandon their homes and families and work to roam the countryside doing God's work. Blessed are we when we choose to work with the Holy SPirit instead of against it.

So this lent, I want to acknowledge that although my eyes are often dim, my heart is often dull and my ears hard of hearing, there are times when God's Spirit breaks through those barriers. What do I do with the knowledge and compassion then gained? Let me not waste it. I am blessed not merely for my own sake, but rather to be a blessing to others.

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