Monday, January 18, 2016

The Sign of Jonah

Matthew 12:38-9 - Some scribes and Pharisees said to him, "Teacher, we wish to see a sign from you." He replied, "It is an evil and adulterous generation that seeks a sign. They will be given no sign except the sign of Jonah the prophet."

So, Jonah ran from God's express command because the Ninevites were his enemies. He did not want God's love to fall on his enemies. He wanted to see them get their just rewards. The fish is not God in this story. The fish represents the predicaments our sins and evasions get us into. Jonah so badly wanted his way, he ended up eaten by a fish. We are eaten by our sins. They gnaw away at our compassion and our joy. They feast on our generosity and our connection, our umbilical cord to our Source. They devour us from within. The fish eating Jonah is the sign that Jesus is talking about.

Well, part of it. What about the Ninevites? They repented. Even their cattle repented. Their repentance was complete. Only because Jonah warned them to do so. God wanted to spare them the consequences as he wanted to spare the Jewish people the consequences. God does not just love Jewish people, Christians or Muslims. God loves us all. No matter what. God loves even Jonah - and us when we run. God loves us like a parent loves their wayward child - even with the weeds.

The Pharisees and scribes built their power on knowing about GOd and mediating God to the people. They needed people to need them. Jesus was telling them they did not need the Pharisees to connect with God, because God loves us all. God wants us to know that before we sacrifice. God wants us to do our work for love of God, secure in his love. The sign of Jonah - God loves everyone.

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