Sunday, January 10, 2016

Abundance of the heart

Matthew 12:33 - You brood of vipers. How can you speak good when you are evil? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.

This is truth. It makes me think of politicians and others (and past me) who speak about homeless people, poor people, black people, gay people, or other outcasts as being problems or even causing problems for our society. Their hearts are not open. The true problem is how we as a society view these people and our societal problems. These are not causes of our problems but rather symptoms of and the consequences of the way we as a society have thought about ourselves in the past. The only way out is to change how we view ourselves as a society going forward.

Being attentive to our words and especially out thoughts can help us see when we are doing this. I want to speak good, yet I know that sometimes I speak ill. And if I who am motivated can fail, how much more society as a whole which lacks such motivation for change? Help me to not judge others for this behavior as I myself continue to be guilty. Help me to root out the evil in my own heart that I may speak through the abundance of God's goodness.

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