Saturday, January 30, 2016

Love rains down

Matthew 13:1-9 - That same day Jesus went out of the house and sat beside the sea. And great crowds gathered about him so that he got in the boat and sat there; and the crowds stood on the beach. And he told them many things in parables, saying, "A sower went out to sow. And as he sowed some seeds fell on the path and the birds came and devoured them. And others fell on rocky ground, where they had not much soil, and immediately sprang up, since they had no depth of soil; and when the sun rose they were scorched; since they had no root, they withered away. Other seeds feel upon thorns and the thorns grew up and choked them. Other seeds fell on good soil and brought forth grain; some a hundredfold, some sixty, and some thirty. Whoever has ears to hear let them hear."

The easy lesson is that we must look at our soil. God scatters his seed (love? commands?) over all of us and we are at fault for being less than 100% receptive. Is our soil hard like the path? How can we soften it. Is it rocky? How can we soften it? Is it full of thorns? How can we weed it? Is it a mixture? How can we encourage the softening of the hard, rocky, thorny bits? This is a good reading and we should definitely open our hearts, our soil to God's transformation. This is the work of a lifetime and should not be discounted.

Yet there is at least one other lesson here. One that Jesus' audience would have recognized immediately that we in an urban context may not catch. Remember they were tillers of the soil. They understood about the different kinds of soil and where best to plant grain. Human sowers would never scatter seed over a footpath. Or rocky soil. Or in the middle of thorns. Not on purpose. Yet this sower that Jesus describes does just that. He scatters seeds everywhere. Willy nilly. What a waste! Right?

But remember God is the sower and the seeds are Their love beaming down on us like the rays of the sun. Then the lesson is deeper and more profound. God does not discriminate between the rocky soil and the good soil. Do we? God does not refuse their love to "thorny" people. Do we? God loves everyone individually and in toto. Each of us. It is hard to imagine because most of us are not capable of such love. Our soil is thorny and rocky in places from experiences we've had in our past or even currently. We forget that God loves each of us.

What that means for us as Christians is that we must express that love to our neighbors. We must learn to see God in them - the imago dei - or we will never be able to truly love even those we love. But first, we must love ourselves by welcoming God's transforming love into our own hearts. For many of us that is a scary proposition. When I felt that I was being called to ministry I was scared of what God might be asking me to give up. I had a list! I had another list of what I thought people might say. No one said any of that. I needed to learn to love myself before I could truly love God, before I could welcome the love that falls down like rain to refresh and renew my soul.

Thursday, January 28, 2016


Matthew 12:46-50 - While he was speaking to the crowd, behold, his mother and his brothers stood outside asking to speak with him. But he replied to the man who told him, "Who are my mother and my brothers? The stretching his hand toward his disciples he said, "These are my mother and my brothers. For whoever does the will of my Father are my brother, and my sister, and my mother."

In Jesus' day in Israel the family was one's main source of meaning, support and survival. Only women changed families and only when they married. Ideally, anyway. This is important to recognize about this passage. Jesus' words here get watered down if one does not recognize the extreme importance of family and allegiance to it. In fact, if Joseph had already died, then Jesus would have been the head of the family. Knowing this, it is no surprise that his family shows up wanting to talk with him. He has not been carrying out his familial duties.

This is therefore, a radical statement to make in Ancient Israel - those who do the will of my Father are my family. When they (and we!) do the will of our Father we are Jesus' family too. He is our brother. This is meant to be an intimate association - as the use of familial language for their community highlights. He is creating a new kind of community - a new way of being in the world that rejects both the Jewish tradition and the Roman society in which he lived. This is one of the many radical statements he made.

So, what does this mean for us? We are very centered on the nuclear family today - which is organized differently and yet the power of the paternal and maternal tie (the myth of that power I should say) is strong. If our family was a good one and we grew up feeling loved - this would be a hard lesson, a hard thing to contemplate. The idea that we need to love God more than our families rather than showing our love of God through our love of families is still anathema to many. It is hard to walk away from one's family.

Yet, if one's family was not loving or was actually abusive, these are words of liberation. We can set out to find others who will do the will of our Father by loving others as much as they love God and themselves.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016


Matthew 12:43-45 – When an unclean spirit goes out of a person it goes to the watery places seeking a place to land and finding none it says to itself, “I will go back to my house from which I came. On returning, it finds the place clean, swept, and put in order. It then invites seven other demons more unclean than itself to come in. So the person is worse off than he was before. So it will be with this evil generation.

This is Jesus speaking after discussing the sign of Jonah. He is saying that we by ourselves cannot get out of our sinful nature. There’s a saying that one cannot get out of a sticky situation using the same thinking that got them into it in the first place. So here. We need help or the demons will keep coming back. We need someone else living in our home to help us fight whatever our demons are. We need Jesus – the “something” bigger than Jonah.

What is this passage saying to me right here, right now? What is the demon that needs banishing and how am I going to ask for Jesus’ help?

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Greater than Jonah

Matthew 12:40-1 - For as Jonah was in the belly of the whale for three days and nights so will the Son of Man be in the ground for three days and nights. And the people of Nineveh will arise at the judgment with this generation and condemn it; for they repented at the preaching of Jonah and something greater than Jonah is here.

Yes. Jesus was in the ground because of the sinful nature of human beings. Even Nineveh knew God's voice when they heard it. i think they will condemn me as well. I think I have been hiding from God's voice. I sense a longing that I am not giving myself to just yet. I want to be open and I want to trust. I am willing to hear it if I am not yet ready to act on it.

Come Lord Jesus!

Monday, January 18, 2016

The Sign of Jonah

Matthew 12:38-9 - Some scribes and Pharisees said to him, "Teacher, we wish to see a sign from you." He replied, "It is an evil and adulterous generation that seeks a sign. They will be given no sign except the sign of Jonah the prophet."

So, Jonah ran from God's express command because the Ninevites were his enemies. He did not want God's love to fall on his enemies. He wanted to see them get their just rewards. The fish is not God in this story. The fish represents the predicaments our sins and evasions get us into. Jonah so badly wanted his way, he ended up eaten by a fish. We are eaten by our sins. They gnaw away at our compassion and our joy. They feast on our generosity and our connection, our umbilical cord to our Source. They devour us from within. The fish eating Jonah is the sign that Jesus is talking about.

Well, part of it. What about the Ninevites? They repented. Even their cattle repented. Their repentance was complete. Only because Jonah warned them to do so. God wanted to spare them the consequences as he wanted to spare the Jewish people the consequences. God does not just love Jewish people, Christians or Muslims. God loves us all. No matter what. God loves even Jonah - and us when we run. God loves us like a parent loves their wayward child - even with the weeds.

The Pharisees and scribes built their power on knowing about GOd and mediating God to the people. They needed people to need them. Jesus was telling them they did not need the Pharisees to connect with God, because God loves us all. God wants us to know that before we sacrifice. God wants us to do our work for love of God, secure in his love. The sign of Jonah - God loves everyone.

Monday, January 11, 2016

From the heart

Matthew 12:35 - The good person from their good treasure brings forth good and the evil person from their evil treasure brings forth evil.

We all misspeak. Yet how many of us then go back and think about what our words say to us? I do not do it often enough. Yet, this saying gives us all a clue to our hearts. When we are caught saying something sexist, racist, ageist, or otherwise hurtful, we often apologize, often double down. Do I then go back to see why I chose that word? What is lurking in the depths? So many cannot go there and yet it is essential to knowing ourselves as human beings.

Today I choose to examine what my words say about me as a person and a person of God.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Abundance of the heart

Matthew 12:33 - You brood of vipers. How can you speak good when you are evil? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.

This is truth. It makes me think of politicians and others (and past me) who speak about homeless people, poor people, black people, gay people, or other outcasts as being problems or even causing problems for our society. Their hearts are not open. The true problem is how we as a society view these people and our societal problems. These are not causes of our problems but rather symptoms of and the consequences of the way we as a society have thought about ourselves in the past. The only way out is to change how we view ourselves as a society going forward.

Being attentive to our words and especially out thoughts can help us see when we are doing this. I want to speak good, yet I know that sometimes I speak ill. And if I who am motivated can fail, how much more society as a whole which lacks such motivation for change? Help me to not judge others for this behavior as I myself continue to be guilty. Help me to root out the evil in my own heart that I may speak through the abundance of God's goodness.

Friday, January 8, 2016


Matthew 12:33 - Either make the tree good and its fruit will be good or make the tree bad and its fruit will be bad; for the tree is known by its fruit.

This is such a great metaphor for not only individuals but systems! I go right to thinking about the racism so prevalent in our society - and I realize that it is the fruit of the centuries of making the tree bad. Racism, oppression, violence, betrayal. All these things are present and they are at the root of our problems today: gangs, gun violence, muslim bashing, continued killing of young black men and women by police with no repercussions, women as second-class citizens, rape being so prevalent and so underreported because women are put through a second hell when they do, terrible insurance and health care system, prisons that only punish and do not rehabilitate, ugh.

What is at my root? For a long time it was wallowing in the effects of my childhood - in an alcoholic home. Yet, that can be changed and I did. I continue to see where my fruit has been bad and can be made good. This week it was in interpersonal relationships. I pretty much suck at them. I have a profound sense of not belonging even though I want to belong. This is true on the internet - where I rarely comment, Al-Anon, seminary, and even at church. It is what is holding me back from pursuing a PhD. It is not just the language factor; it is also the not feeling like I belong factor.

Fortunately, I was also given a remedy! Visualization. It seems corny, yet I really think that is what is called for next, both in my private life and my CPE/pastoral life. I think visualization might show me what it is I most fear. Especially if I pair it with focusing - the technique we learned early on in CPE. So, onward.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Forgiveness and the Holy Spirit

Matthew 12:31-2 - Therefore I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven people, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will be forgiven. And whoever says a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or the age to come.

I'll be honest - I have no idea HOW one would speak against the Holy Spirit. It would have to be brutal words in order to spark unforgiveness. Especially since one can speak against the Son of Man (Jesus!) and be forgiven. I think it's best in this passage to focus on the sins that ARE forgivable - which are those you and I commit every day. These include horrible sins in addition to the garden variety sins most people commit. Murder, rape, burglary, betrayal. Jesus prayed for those who tortured and killed him.

I take comfort in the words of Psalm 139 - There is nowhere I can go that you are not already there. Amen.

Monday, January 4, 2016

With me or against me

Matthew 12:30 - For he who is not with me is against me and he who does not gather, scatters.

In other words, if I do not speak out about injustice, terrorism, lies or other atrocities - or find a way to amplify my voice or add it to others' voices, I am complicit. Only by pushing back can I claim to be with Jesus.

Clearly it is not possible for me to speak out on every topic, yet there are others who do it for me. I need to add my voice, write letters to congresspeople, mayors, governors and others. When I can I can join protests. Sometimes I cannot - that does not make me complicit.

If I am not working in some way, pushing back in some way, I am complicit in the injustice of police brutality, racism, white terrorism and other stuff. Thomas Merton said it, "We are all guilty." That is a hard, yet necessary pill to swallow. Accepting my guilt, lamenting the situation, speaking out against aggressors. ONly then am I with Jesus.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Strong man

Matthew 12:29 - For how can anyone break into the strong man's house and plunder it without first binding up the strong man? First you must bind the strong man, then you will be able to plunder his house.

Therefore, Satan's house is not easily plundered - and neither is the house of the Lord! Is he saying the Pharisees are trying to plunder the Lord? It could be.

I think he is following on the discussion though about casting out demons. On must first be able to bind the demons - which Jesus has shown he can do. One cannot bind the Lord. Therefore, Jesus's ministry is true. He casts out demons not by the king of demons but by the Kingdom of Heaven - God. God gives him his power.

And if the Kingdom of God us upon us, what more shall we be able to do in God who is all in all? We will be able to bind the demons - at least our own - with God's help. We may even be able to help others with their demons as Jesus did. One thing we are not to do is stand aside and scoff - we must be part of the healing of ourselves, of others, of society and of the world. 

What is my part today?

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Kingdom of God

Matthew 12:28 - And if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, then the Kingdom of God has come upon you.

This makes me think of the line in the Lord's prayer: Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. I always think that when we do the Lord's will, we are in heaven; the Kingdom of God has come upon us. How beautiful.

Jesus was telling the Pharisees in plain language that they could get in on this good thing and they missed it because they preferred power and influence. They liked how things were and didn't much care that it wasn't good for others. I have this attitude much more often than I care to admit. So as an antidote, I'll remember that the Kingdom of God (read God) has come upon me and I will birth great things just as Mary did.

When I do God's will.

Friday, January 1, 2016


Matthew 12:26-7 - If Satan casts out Satan, his kingdom is divided. And if I cast out demons by Beelzebub, by whom do your sons cast them out? Therefore, that will be your judge.

Jesus takes the argument literally and shows the Pharisees and his hearers the illogic behind it. A house, kingdom, city, church, relationship divided against itself cannot stand. It takes communication to be united. Communication and vulnerability toward the other(s). Such hard things - risking that others may not like us or agree with us or worse abuse us for our opinions.

Yet necessary to be vulnerable in order to love fully. With God's help we can be open and vulnerable to more and more people and situations as we practice.