Thursday, December 17, 2015


Matthew 12:7-8 - And have you not read, "I desire mercy not sacrifice?" For the Son of Man is lord of the Sabbath.

Mercy. How much harder it is to sacrifice our desire for revenge or give in to our fear and walk away from a needy person. How much easier to just give money and not have to change our way of thinking or ourselves. Mercy is in short supply from many people this year. It is sad to see people on TV talk about killing Muslims or talking about Mexicans as though Donald Trump was right. Mercy.

What or whom is God asking me to be merciful toward today? Why don't I want to be merciful? Mercy takes less energy than staying angry or resentful. It frees us to give more of ourselves to God. Mercy toward my self especially - I don't need to keep a running list of my fuck-ups and mistakes in my head. Time to start righting my journal again.

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