Thursday, December 31, 2015


Matthew 12:25 - Knowing what they were thinking he said to them, "Every kingdom that is divided against itself will be laid waste and every city or household divided against itself will not stand."

Jesus's response to the Pharisees accusations is a strong argument for coming to agreement and for adhering to any agreement even if one is against it. Communion is more than going along to get along. That does not heal rifts. Communion requires continual discussion of where things are at and continual assessment of our own willingness to be in communion in the first place.

It is easy today to point out people who are not doing this. But more important to think about my own household and my own unity within myself. Am I contributing to unity or disharmony? I will look at my actions today.


Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Pride and Fear

Matthew 12:23 - When the Pharisees heard this, they said, "This one does not cast out demons except by Beelzebub, the ruler of demons."

The Pharisees are paying attention too. Yet, their conclusion is the exact opposite of the crowd's - they claim Jesus is in league with demons. In fact, with Beelzebub himself. They see the miracle and they cannot believe. They know the prophecies as well as the crowd, yet, out of fear of losing their position and the power and riches that come with it, they deny that what they have seen is from God.

They probably have nothing personal against Jesus, yet attack him because it is the only way to stay in power. Yet there is something else - they do not want to think they got it wrong. They are incapable of changing their minds when they see new evidence.

We all know or know of people like this - people who cannot possibly be wrong and when they are double down. I have been this person. In fact, in some areas, I still am. I based so much of my identity on whether I was right or wrong. That road does not lead to happiness. The Pharisees do not come across as happy and comforting. THey come across as assholes. I'm sure I used to come across the same way.

Yet ... people loved me anyway. They didn't ignore my bad behavior - they called me out - yet they also showed me a better way. "Would you rather be right or happy?" If those Pharisees were anything like me the answer was obvious - being right meant being happy.

It was only when I realized that that answer was not in my best interests that I began to think about pride, to recognize my own pride and to see how it had led me to make some unhealthy and even harmful decisions. It was when I let go of being right that I began to see things differently. And I began to be happy.

Today I choose to be attentive to this.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Paying Attention

Matthew 12:22 - And all the people were amazed and said, "Could this be the Son of David?"

Not only were the blind man's eyes opened, but also the eyes of many in the crowd. They may have already been opened. The question they ask shows they are paying attention. There was a prophecy (in the story) and now they begin to consider that it might be coming true.

How attentive am I to the signs around me? If I were there, would I be paying attention or would I be oblivious? Or maybe even skeptical? What do I pay attention to and is it worth my time and effort? Good questions to ask as I go into this day.

Monday, December 28, 2015

Blind and Mute

Matthew 12:22 - They brought to him a demoniac who was blind and mute and he healed him; so that he that was blind could speak and see.

I think of the hymn Amazing Grace whenever I think of being blind. There are so many ways I continue to be blind - and the thing about blindness is that it cannot be seen. Only when our eyes have been opened can we know that we have been blind. That is why we continue to worship, to read and study and to work with others. Being in fellowship with others helps us see where we are blind.

I am blind because of my socialization yet I am mute by choice. Once I see where I have been blind - for example, about police treatment of black men - it is my responsibility to speak up. What causes me to choose to silence my voice rather than adding it to the voices of others?

Comfort - I do not want the backlash nor do I want to stand out in the cold. This is selfish. By not becoming part of the solution I remain part of the problem. By not speaking out, I remain complicit in the actions of others. I think 2016 will be a year where I continue to practice both speaking out and dealing with the inevitable and undesirable consequences. Because I am also afraid to speak out.

My prayer today is that I become more willing each day to take that risk.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Hope in a servant

Matthew 12:17-21 - This was to fulfill what was spoken by the prophet Isaiah, "Behold, my servant whom I have chosen; my Beloved in whom I am well pleased. He will not quarrel or cry out; nor will anyone listening to his voice on the street. He will not crush a broken reed or quench a smoldering wick til he brings justice to victory. And in his name the nations will hope."

The servant of God from second Isaiah. The perfect one, the one who will neither crush the people nor quench their fire. He has been sent to the outcast (the bruised reed) and the lukewarm (the smoldering wick). He has been sent to proclaim justice for these. He will be non-violent and yet speak against the powers.

Are we called to these things as well? Yes. as we are able. Or maybe a simple yes.

The question for me is - How am I protecting the bruised reeds and the smoldering wicks that they might become whole?

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Doing good

Matthew 12:12-14 - Of how much more worth are you than a sheep? It is lawful to do good on the Sabbath. Then he told the man to stretch out his hand and he stretched it out and it we healed just like the other. The Pharisees met together to plot how they might destroy him.

It is lawful to do good - anytime. If you cannot agree with this statement, you might want to look at why rules are so important to you. Love loves. People in love love. Love does good. So go, do good.

Saturday, December 19, 2015


Matthew 12:9-10 - When he departed from there, he went into their synagogue. And, behold, there was a man with a withered hand. And they asked him saying, "Is it permitted to heal on the Sabbath?" so that they might accuse him.

We continue to talk about the relevance of rules and how far it is possible to break them. We just heard about another healing and how mercy is what God wants. The Pharisees as depicted in this story are more interested in catching Jesus saying something they can discredit him for. They are more interested in holding on to their own power than in using that power to help others.

I can say that I have done this and probably am doing it in my work. I need to look at what power I have there and how I am using it; especially in regard to Alicia. But, once I start journaling today, I'm sure I'll find other areas - CPE, home, with family.

Do my actions say I'm more interested in having power or helping others with it?

Thursday, December 17, 2015


Matthew 12:7-8 - And have you not read, "I desire mercy not sacrifice?" For the Son of Man is lord of the Sabbath.

Mercy. How much harder it is to sacrifice our desire for revenge or give in to our fear and walk away from a needy person. How much easier to just give money and not have to change our way of thinking or ourselves. Mercy is in short supply from many people this year. It is sad to see people on TV talk about killing Muslims or talking about Mexicans as though Donald Trump was right. Mercy.

What or whom is God asking me to be merciful toward today? Why don't I want to be merciful? Mercy takes less energy than staying angry or resentful. It frees us to give more of ourselves to God. Mercy toward my self especially - I don't need to keep a running list of my fuck-ups and mistakes in my head. Time to start righting my journal again.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Greater than the temple

Matthew 12:5-6 - Or have you not read in the Law that on the Sabbath the priests in the temple violate the Sabbath and are guiltless? And I say to you, "Something greater than the temple is here."

So the obvious answer is Jesus himself, yes? This is true. It is also true that the presence of God is also there. These are easy to understand interpretations and need no comment - only a reminder of that truth.

Yet, what if, something else is greater than the temple? What if Jesus is referring to himself and god and people? The temple is in reality a building, a pile of stones - man-made. It is a symbolic pile of stones, but a pile of stones nonetheless. What give the temple its symbolism - God's presence. Who is there to witness this presence? God's creation. People, made in the image of God (or put another way - God's representatives on earth). Following after the previous verses, Jesus is saying that people are not only more important than God's Law. We are also more important than the temple itself. We are greater than the temple because we built it! It is an artifact.

Taking this further, he is saying that the institution of the temple is less important than people. This hits us hard in the 21st century. Try talking to people about selling their church building. Try telling people that doing church differently is possible. Try making even a small change in church governance. We idolize that which we create. Unlike God. God loves - God knows when change is necessary and is continually calling us to such. Yet, we are afraid. We like the comfort of "the way it's always been." We find it hard to change our attitudes even toward institutions that no longer work for us.

Such change starts with recognizing the place these institutions should have in our lives. Below God, below people, below God's creation. Many of us have switched the order unconsciously and it hurts to be reminded.

How have I switched the order of my priorities out of whack?

Wednesday, December 9, 2015


Matthew 12:3-4 - Have you not read what David did when he was hungry and those with him; how they entered the house of God and ate the bread of the presence, which it is not permitted to him or those with him to eat - only the priests?

Sabbath or not, the health of the body is important - the survival of the body is important. Jesus interprets the Sabbath laws much more generously than did the Pharisees. It is as if he is saying that our bodies matter to God. When we are hungry, it is permitted to eat. Especially if we have not eaten in some time as was the case with David and his men. There is no sense in following rules meant for the flourishing of God's people if it means we will die.

Our bodies do matter. In the season of Advent, in which we celebrate the Incarnation - the coming into the body - of Jesus we should remember that because Jesus was a man our bodies are also sanctified - temples as Paul put it. We are to treat them with care. Sure, people at different times in the history of the church saw things differently, but this story makes it clear. When there is a conflict between the law and human flourishing, human flourishing wins.

Sunday, December 6, 2015


Matthew 12:1-2 At that time Jesus went through the grainfields and his disciples were hungry and they began to pick heads of grain and to eat. When the Pharisees saw it they said to him, "Look, your disciples are doing what is not permitted to do on a Sabbath."

Here is the setup for the example of how Jesus' burden is easy and his yoke is light. He begins to do something that is necessary - eat - in a way that is not acceptable to the Pharisees. Actually, he permits his disciples to do so. The point is that the rules are not meant to be more important than our needs.

The Sabbath addresses the very human need to rest regularly; to take time out from our work and enjoy God and God's wonderful creation - including our loved ones. It is a time meant for pleasure, not restriction. Yet, the Pharisees have begun to believe and act as if the rule itself were the most important thing. It is not. The most important thing is to be with God and to remember whose we are and who we are. God's beloved children.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015


Matthew 11:29-30 - Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble of heart and you will find refreshment for your bodies. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.

I feel like this is saying that we can do anything we have to one day, hour, minute or second at a time. Because God is carrying the burden with us. I like refreshment for bodies rather than rest for souls because using the word souls implies to me that our bodies are not important. Yet, they are. We are about to celebrate Jesus' coming down into a body and the hope that he brought and continues to bring. It all means nothing if he didn't have a body. Bodies are important - resting them and refreshing them is important.

Spending time with God refreshes our bodies and our spirits. And our yoke is then easier.